In this article

#1 Scientists Figured Out How The Pyramids Were Built. Answer Lies In Water


Well not exactly, but they figured out how ancient Egyptians managed to transport heavy stones to construct them.

The construction of the pyramids specially the transportation of heavy stones without the use of modern technology has always been a mystery. But last week, scientists came up with a theory that wet sand has almost half a resistance compared to dry sand and this could be the missing answer to the problem. Ancient Egyptians transported the heavy stones using sledges which were dragged by human labourers.

However, dry sand seems to accumulate in front of the sledge adding difficulty to the process. However wetting the sand makes the sand bind together. Not only does it not accumulate in front of the sledge but it offers half the resistance as dry sand. This amounts to less work with half the number of labourers.

# 2 Singapore Astro-photographer Captures The Milky Way In Light Polluted Singapore


Photographing the Milky Way in light polluted Singapore seems impossible.

But Singapore photographer managed to produce the image of the Marina Bay Sands with the Milky Way in the background. While the readers are divided with believers and the other people who believe this is an elaborate fake, we did a little digging around for photography technique which might make this real.

We found out that a certain technique called Expose to the Right (ETTR) could be the method to get such images. Below is the video tutorial about using this method to capture the Milky Way in light polluted areas. What it does is over expose an image of the night sky to capture as much light as possible. This is followed by reducing the exposure through software, bringing out the stars and obtaining very dramatic results.

#3 What We Can Learn From The Leaked Dummy Unit Of iPhone 6


It is no secret that Apple is going for a bigger iPhone.

Due to the ever increasing popularity of large phones like the Samsung Note 3 and even the enormous Galaxy Mega, Apple decided to not to miss out on the trend. Last week we saw what is probably the leaked dummy unit of iPhone 6.

Similar in size to the Galaxy S5, we observed the change of position of the power button from the top to the right hand side. As phones get larger, the right hand position makes it easier for users than the top button. With the first of its kind, we are yet to see how the Apple fans respond to a larger phone. After all, it seems to less of a design innovation and more of capitalizing on a popular trend.

#4 New Apple Headphones Are Rumoured To Track Your Vitals


Apple wants to track your vitals through their earpieces.

While fitness wearables are the trend now with even the new Samsung S5 allowing you to track your heartrate, Apple was recently granted a patent which would let them track your vitals such as heart rate, temperature and even blood pressure and store them on your iPhone.

If Apple can take care of the price point and make them affordable, it seems like a much more compact solution for accessing your vitals than using 3rd party wearables.

#5 It Takes 6 Days, 2 Hrs To Binge Watch Entire Seasons Of ’24’. Someone Calculated It

nielesen binge shows

If you are a binge watcher of TV shows like we are, you should probably want to know how much of a time investment do you need to watch your favourite shows.

Turns out Nielsen, a global information and measurement company did that. With all the episodes of ’24’ clocking up to a continuous 6 days,2 hours and ‘Sherlock’ only to 14 hours, we do not think this will discourage true fans from locking themselves up during the weekends, shunning friends and binging on their favourite shows.

Also read: 17 Made-in-Singapore apps Apple is currently featuring on the app store

Categories: News Reader, Must Read

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