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The rivalry between Samsung and Apple has always been around, with each trying to surpass each other.

Well, it seems that when it comes to getting in trouble, both companies might also be on par.

The Exploding iPhone 7

As reported on Yahoo, Reddit user kroopthesnoop posted a picture of a matte black iPhone 7 that looked like it has just exploded.

iPhone 7 exploded/ Image credit: Imgur
iPhone 7 exploded/ Image credit: Yahoo

It seems that the phone exploded while not in the hands of the user, but in fact, during delivery to the user instead. Poster kroopthesnoop claims that when he received the iPhone and took it out of the box, it was already in its exploded form.

He posted the picture with the caption: “Something happened between the factory and delivery.”

However, details as to how and why it exploded has not been provided as of yet. Apple has not made a public comment on the situation as well.

iPhone 7 delivered with the phone already exploded/ Image credit: Imgur
iPhone 7 delivered with the phone already exploded/ Image credit: Yahoo

Not Entirely Safe

According to The Independent, the battery used in iPhones are generally safe, unless punctured – which then makes them prone to catching fire or exploding.

Unlike Samsung Note 7, the iPhone 7’s explosion didn’t happen while being charged. Furthermore, there were many more Note 7s that exploded due to technical issues with batteries.

Samsung Note 7 exploded/ Image credit: Digital Trends
Samsung Note 7 exploded/ Image credit: Digital Trends

Without an actual reason as to why the iPhone 7 exploded, it’s hard to say if it’s really a defect or a man-made cause.

Exploded iPhone 7 with its packaging/ Image credit: Imgur
Exploded iPhone 7 with its packaging/ Image credit: Imgur

The release of the iPhone 7 has raked in a large number of buyers even in Singapore, with many lining up to buy the phone the night before. So, if the reason behind the above iPhone’s explosion is really due to a production issue, well, we are going to have many very unhappy Singaporeans.

Do you think that it’s an iPhone issue that needs to be addressed, or just a rare occurrence? Let us know!

Feature Image Credit: kroopthesnoop, Reddit

Categories: Must Read

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