Andrew Strugnell
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You might have noticed this: a hugely popular giraffe riddle is taking Facebook by storm. The one that asks the first item you open if your parents appeared at 3am on your doorstep.

The Great Giraffe Challenge has users post the riddle on their Facebook walls, and people who cannot guess the answer have to change their profile picture to a giraffe for three days.

Have you ever wondered where did the riddle originate?enablejsapi=1&html5=1&

It is from Thailand based video logger Andrew Strugnell, who set up the riddle on a YouTube video at the weekend. In it, Andrew posed the riddle, and asked viewers to Facebook message him if they knew the answer.

The riddle quickly went viral, and has been viewed over 230,000 times. Now, the Great Giraffe Challenge has it’s own dedicated website where you can enter your guess and see if you got the answer correct. On top of that, It also has a Facebook page, which has garnered over 127,000 likes already.

the great giraffe facebook page

And this is Andrew sharing his thoughts on the virility of the Giraffe challenge:

According to Andrew too, he plans on uploading a new riddle each week.

Will we see Zebra’s this time round?enablejsapi=1&html5=1& Soon our social networks will be overrunned animals.

Read also: 10 smart-ass answers to fail the Giraffe Riddle and still maintain your profile picture

Categories: Videos, Lifestyle, Must Read

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