With successes on the Kickstarter platform for projects like the Veronica Mars movie and Pebble: The E-Paper Watch, more and more people are turning to the popular crowd funding site to gather funding and fulfill their dreams, with Singaporeans recently being listed as one of the top ten pledgers over the world.
For those who are not sure what Kickstarter is, it is a global crowdfunding platform, whose stated mission is to “help bring creative projects to life”. Launched in 2009, the platform has received over $1 billion in pledges for over 135,000 projects, which includes creations like video games, documentaries, comic books, music albums, new inventions, and more.
Recently, with the hype generated by the Potato Salad Kickstarter project, and the response received by Singaporeans by Vulcan Post, we now take a look at some ridiculous projects that have appeared on Kickstarter.
Nothing Simulator 2015

This is an innovative simulator about, well… nothing. Like, nothing. Check out the action-packed gameplay video here:
With a focus on “realism and fun”, it claims to let you have a real feel about what it is really like being nothing:
“Through the expansive world and impressive visuals you will have lots of fun while also learning as you play. With realistic physics and stunning scenery you will truly be impressed by this exciting game. Start your life as a brand new bit of nothing and make your way through day to day life doing no tasks because none are required.
While you are taking part in the numerous activities you will experience what it is really like to be and do nothing. The innovative new “always save” feature means that your progress is always saved and up to date. Just hit the continue button to get right back into the action where you left off.”
Hey, at least they were only asking for $70.
Kickstart Page: Nothing Simulator 2015
Kurt Braunohler’s Cloud Project
The introduction reads: “I’m asking you to donate money so that I can hire a man in a plane to write stupid things with clouds in the sky.” Really sums it up, doesn’t it?
If the project was funded, Braunohler promised to do cloud writing for phrases such as “God’s Fartin’!”, or “Clouds 4 EVA”, and even knock-knock jokes should the project reach its stretch goal of $10,000.
And it got funded! Raising $6820 in 30 days, the phrase “How Do I Land” was chosen to be spelt out over the skies of Los Angeles.

Kickstarter Page: Kurt Braunohler’s Cloud Project
universal boop zone.2012 burningman )'(

I’ve read this project brief over many times, but I just can’t make sense of it. Here is an excerpt:
“After raising interest with our first kickstarter…..we now have sponsors to help build the structure and camp for the Universal boop zone,we have full backing from burningman to recieve extra ticket allocation to make sure it happens,we have early arrival we have a large krew of boopers willing to make sure this happens…..the one big thing we do not have yet, are funds to buy the boop boxes,we need the money fast so we can order them in time to pull this off.”
There are also a series of YouTube video links for this project, with this the first in a series:
Surprisingly, this project actually got funded, hitting its goal of $500. For what, I don’t know. I only wonder what the backers will actually get…
Kickstarter Page: universal boop zone.2012 burningman )'(
Graphing the Deliciousness of a Chicken Burrito!

Ever wondered how tasty a chicken burrito can be? Well, if you’re looking for an innovative and creative product review, this Kickstarter has just made that happen.
Receiving rave reviews for his idea, Noboru Bitoy, the creator of the project, has included stretch goals such as assessing the deliciousness of a chicken burrito while skydiving as well as in a zero-gravity environment.

Only asking for $8 to successful funding, the project gathered $1050 in total from backers by March 2014, receiving attentions from major news outlets in the process.
That sure is one expensive burrito.
Kickstarter Page: Graphing the Deliciousness of a Chicken Burrito!
Stackup, The Easy To Use Stand For Preformed Potato Chips

Yes, this Kickstarter would be perfect for you if you regularly consume potato chips. And only those of a specific pre-formed shape like Pringles. AND if you think it is way too hard to fish them out of the long container.
Conceived by four Dutch students, the StackUp comes in four regular and two premium colours, allowing users to load their potato chips in an easy to retrieve stand.

Well, it doesn’t really work for non-preformed chips, and unless you finish those chips in one sitting, it is going to become soggy and non-crunchy after awhile.
But if you are serious about backing this project, it is still online, although the outlook for successful funding is not looking good.
Kickstarter Page: StackUp

For many underrated but underfunded works, Kickstarter is a great platform to get the funding necessary to push their project to completion. With every valuable creations like Dreamfall Chapters and Ouya, there are a few projects like those listed above.
If you want to keep up with more ridiculous Kickstarter projects, check out Your Kickstarter Sucks, a tumblr account listing down, well, weird Kickstarters.
Also read: One In Three Singaporeans Can’t Sleep! This Kickstarter May Help.