A quick search on Kickstarter homing in on projects from Malaysia yielded 13 projects in all (with 6 successes). Running this number quickly on my handy calculator, this gives me a roughly 50% chance of projects from Malaysia succeeding. Alright. You got me. I didn’t actually use a calculator. You can’t make me! Alright fine, it’s a 46.15% chance of succeeding based on this limited data available. The total percentage of projects that have reached their funding goals in kickstarter is 44%, so Malaysian kickstarters aren’t doing so bad at all!
I was surprised there weren’t more projects on Kickstarter from Malaysia. Singapore has 32 projects, Indonesia has 65, and Thailand has a whooping 84 projects!
Running on it’s all-or-nothing policy, Kickstarter allows everyone to put forth their ideas on their website with a clear budget on the funding required to bring the project to life. If the funding goal isn’t reached, then nothing happens. Potential transactions are canceled, and the creator is left to pick up the broken pieces of his dreams and hopes, and find funding elsewhere (Or give up. Boo!).
But not for these next 3 Kickstarters, they reached their goal and they made their project come to life!
1) Palm Republik $10,150 of $8,500 goal
Palm Republik is one of the most recent successfully funded Kickstarter in Malaysia, with 152 backers pledging $10,150 of the $8,500 goal needed on July 3rd, 2013. Palm Republik was started by Ms. Peisy Ting, an art director, graphic designer and jewellery maker, who wished to create a line of paper products that is tree-free.
Like all Kickstarter funding projects, backers pledging a certain amount will be eligible for rewards from the creator. This particular Kickstarter has rewards for pledges as little as $5 to a whooping $750.

2) Di Ambang, Stateless in Sabah
Di Ambang: Stateless in Sabah is a kickstarter funded successfully just earlier this year, with $10,463 pledged of their $10,000 goal. The project is started by Matthew Fillmore from Ohio, Unite States. The kickstarter aimed to produce a film to create awareness on the stateless Filipino migrants families in the state of Sabah. In a statement on their Facebook page on July 13, they have renamed the film to just “Di Ambang” or “Living Stateless”. As of their most recent update, the film is 95% completed and has been selected to screen at the UNHCR Refugee Film Festival in Tokyo.
3) ULTRA: A Malaysian journey in sustainable fashion
ULTRA is a company from Malaysia and China that aims to provide made-to-order fashion designs that are daring, cutting-edge and innovative. It managed to get a total of $9,499 funded of its goal of $8,000. Each of the material for their clothing are hand-picked and designed, accompanied with their unique stories.
Meanwhile, ‘Stateless Rohingya Refugees of Burma’ and ‘Global Sustainability’ are both documentaries, much like Kickstarter #2 (Di Ambang), that managed to be successfully funded in 2011 and 2013, respectively. Birds of Borneo is a relatively smaller Kickstarter project with only a $1,500 goal (backed by $2,027). The creator for this Kickstarter rewards her backers with limited edition prints, a calendar and greeting cards.
Since launching in April 2009, Kickstarter has managed to fun over 60,000 creative projects.
So what’re you waiting for? Don’t let lack of funding stop you from pursuing your dreams. Head over to Kickstarter.com and get started today!