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Ever since Facebook removed their messaging function from the main mobile phone app and moved it onto a separate app, everyone’s been in an uproar. Social media has exploded, and every one has pretty much been saying one thing – “We hate this app.”

Twitter response on Facebook Messenger

At this point it is hard to tell if they hate it more because of the amount of extra space people are forced to use for an unnecessary app, or if it’s due to rumours of Facebook’s insidious privacy permissions that have gotten people worried about Facebook spying on them through their microphones or accessing their contacts and messages. It wouldn’t be the first time Facebook was accused of violating privacy rights, the most recent of which is Max Schrem, a law student who is suing Facebook for the violation of European privacy rights.

Chances are this Huffington Post article exasperated existing unhappiness on what could have been a perfectly functional messaging app. The app has existed since 2011 after all.

image credit: dieselsweeties.com
Image Credit: dieselsweeties.com

Currently, the Facebook Messenger only has a measley one and a half stars of Apple Store rating, and oddly enough, a four start rating on Google Play, with 4.3 million five star ratings to counter the 8 thousand one star ratings. Looking through the Google Play reviews, however, tells a completely different story.

“I DONT THINK SO FB. This app is allowed to open and look at basically ANYTHING on your phone! No such thing as privacy any more?? Yeah, I am deleting it. I dont care if I can’t send messages thru Facebook. I’ll get over it I’m sure.”

“I’m going to contact the U.S. attorneys office and the consumer report office. Should’ve thought this through huh Facebook before you took it upon yourself to violate peoples rights.”

“If I could figure out how to give you a minus * I would!”

“Getting closer to eliminating fb altogether! You stink!”

I completely understand the frustration that comes from having a regular function in our lives changed, but this drama is a little bit overboard. It’s probably more likely that we’ll all just stick to Whatsapp and Wechat for now; or if we’re adventurous, we’ll just give our friends a call.

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