Coding is the new black.
Last May 2013, Mashable shares that coding is the must-have asset of the future. In the article, writer Adam Popesco further shares interesting insights about how the process of computer programming is going to be “one of the most important and desirable skills”.
That said, it’s hardly a surprise that we have apps and websites to meet the increasing demand. There are dozens (so many, in fact that I’ve lost count) of educational platforms dedicated to teaching coding skills to people of all ages and different backgrounds.
Joining the party is brand new iPad app Tickle and it is selling like hotcakes on Kickstarter.

This Kickstarter project is aimed towards kids and encourages them to develop logical thinking and problem solving skills. Tickle, which is based around Scratch, a visual programming language that was developed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), teaches players to create games and program real-world objects for the iPhone and iPad. Like the rest of its counterparts, the app’s user interface design is colourful and visually stimulating.
According to its main Kickstarter page: “Tickle supports a full programming language with advanced concepts that are taught in Computer Science departments at top universities around the world, including UC Berkeley and Harvard. It supports concepts like data structures, functions, publish-subscribe (pub/sub), and Object-Oriented Programming (OOP).”
Also read: Check Out These Successful Kickstarters From Malaysia!

I can’t remember the last time I liked a Kickstarter project so much. Ever since I discovered the wonders of web design, I’ve been devouring the For Dummies series (I don’t recommend it, by the way.) Let’s just say that when it comes to computer programming, instructional books can’t hold a candle to videos and apps. I’m a self-diagnosed bibliophile, so this says a lot.
Naturally, I’m going to keep a lookout for Tickle. Just coding skills alone will greatly benefit you; it’s a good investment of your time. If your kid (or you) would like to get a head start in this exciting field, be sure to fund the Kickstarter project!

Where Else Can My Kid Learn Coding?
Tynker and offer a lot of kid-friendly coding courses. They’re practically loaded with thousands of fine and well-crafted lessons that are highly enjoyable. To put it simply, they’ve got the total package.
If your kid’s an advanced learner, you might want to switch gears to Treehouse, a virtual education platform that offers instructional courses in web and mobile development. Mainstream websites like Coursera and YouTube has some hidden gems in the Computer Science field, as well.
What? You didn’t think it’s just full of cat videos, did you?
Also read: Have Money To Spare? Here Are Some Really Ridiculous Kickstarters on Kickstarter