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If you have seen the impossibly-priced gold Apple Watch, but only managed to walk away with a regular black one, there is still hope yet. Thanks to video-maker Casey Neistat, there is now a video showing you exactly how to turn your Apple Watch gold.

You spray-paint it.

This video will make you cringe in fear as he wields a sharp knife, cutting the Apple Watch out of its box and giggling like crazy as he wears the finished product — an almost flawless gold Apple Watch with a black sports band, gleaming ostentatiously on his wrist.

Since the video’s release, it has gone viral, and has been covered by websites like Time, Mashable, and Gizmodo. But as an article on The Verge recently shared, the watch wasn’t even Neistat’s, but a friend’s. A very generous, open-minded friend.


Sam Sheffer, a social media manager with the Verge, wrote about how Neistat, a close friend, had asked him for permission to use his Apple Watch for a video, and that it was an idea that “he insisted that I’d love”. The moment he received the Apple Watch — on the same day as the rest of the people who had pre-ordered it — he took the subway down to Neistat’s house almost immediately.

“At this point, I knew what Casey’s plan was,” he wrote. “He was going to turn my $399 Space Gray Watch gold using spray paint, DIY style, and create a short video about it. It was genius.”

Neistat had also said to Sheffer in an email: “I want a gold [Apple Watch] but I can’t afford it, so I made one. It’s like putting a Mercedes-Benz star on the hood of a Hyundai.”

Now, Sheffer wears the viral watch proudly, and has even been asked if it was the gold one. So if you’re wondering about the success of this handyman job, don’t worry. I’m sure he’ll be able to do regular touch-ups.

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