Not every app is a winner. Let’s face it: most of them fail and disappear from existence.
There are a number of factors that influence the success of mobile apps: user interface, functionality, usability, and price. To ensure that all these are in place, of course, requires a strong team of mobile app developers — which not all app makers may be able to afford.
Working out a budget for your first mobile app — or any business, really — is never easy. Just the numbers and figures alone drive us up the wall. Thankfully, there’s now a new website that will completely eliminate this problem — by helping users to estimate the average price they would have to fork out to create their apps.

The website’s interface is a pretty straightforward one, and works like a multiple choice test. It walks you through a series of extensive questions that range from the quality to the type of login system you plan to use for your app. At the bottom of the list of options, you’ll see that there’s a status bar indicating the estimated cost.
One minor problem with the website, though, is that the currency it uses is the Euro — folks outside the EU might find this a tad cumbersome. Imagine how convenient it would be if there’s a currency converter provided within the site; it would save us a trip to Google.

Once you’re done with the questions, your answers — as well as the overall estimated cost — will be shown on the screen. In case you’re wondering how that figure is obtained, here it is:
It turns out that the estimation is made based on the desired quality and the number of hours required to create the app. Depending on the options you select, the website assigns an hourly rate (in Euros) to your choices, and adds them up for the overall cost.
There’s also a link to finding a mobile developer from Yeeply’s marketplace, so even if the idea for your app is just a rough sketch, you know that you can always look for professional help.
If you’re ready to take your idea to the next level, hop on over here!