Literary arts event Cooler Lumpur Festival returns for the third time to Malaysia, and this time, it will be held at Publika, Solaris Dutamas, from June 12 to 14.
Regarded as Southeast Asia’s only festival of ideas, this year’s Cooler Lumpur Festival theme will be DANGEROUS IDEAS. It will be a collaborative effort between creative media shop PopDigital, BMW Malaysia and British Council Malaysia. The purpose of this event is to challenge urbanities to engage in debate, grapple with and celebrate ideas as powerful agents of change and creation.

According to Star2, Umapagan Ampikaipakan, the festival’s programme director, said, “DANGEROUS IDEAS is the thing that pushes us forward, that allows us to progress, to break free from the status quo. It doesn’t have to be a hazardous one, it can just be a different way of doing things. Something we just haven’t thought about yet.”
A series of talks, courses and screenings are set to take place over the three-day event. They include:
- Designed to Offend. Are Pictures More Dangerous than Words?, featuring Zunar.
- What Would You Write About If You Weren’t Afraid?, featuring Marina Mahathir.

- Boys and Girls Together: Sex and Sexuality in the 21st Century, featuring Ira Trivedi.

- Killing Sacred Cows: Comedy in the Age of Offence, featuring Harith Iskander.

Sashi Ambi, Head of Corporate Communications from BMW Group Malaysia, said that DANGEROUS IDEAS is happening at the right time, what with all that has been going on on the roads in Malaysia over the couple of weeks.

“We want our ideas to go beyond just creating awareness and more towards a move to advocate taking action and responsibility as well as knowing and understanding the end result and consequences,” Ambi said.
Here are the event details:
Date: 12th to 14th June
Venue: Map @ Publika, Solaris Dutamas
Fee: Free-of-Charge
For more info, visit or