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Lifestyle and individual bloggers in Singapore or Malaysia would be very familiar with Nuffnang, one of the largest blog ad network in Southeast Asia. The company, which serve ads on over 1,000,000 blogs and host exciting events for bloggers is cofounded by Timothy Tiah and Cheo Ming Shen.

Following the success, cofounder Cheo Ming Shen has recently launched his next venture: Dayre (read as Diary).
dayre app

Dayre is a mobile app that helps you blog on your mobile device. It’s description reads: Dayre is for busy people dying to say more than a Note, 140 Characters, or a filtered photo will allow, this is the App for you.

Once you’re logged in, you can start posting new updates straight away. There are five kinds of updates or posts you can share on Dayre: A quick note, a photo, a video recording, a sticker, or a location. Photos and videos can be shot directly through the app, or you can upload the photos and videos saved on your phone. Similar to Instagram, you can apply filters which come with the Dayre app.


Similar to Tumblr too, you can follow other bloggers you like using Dayre. Unsurprisingly, other features which come with Dayre include: liking and commenting on someone else’s post, your own news feed, as well as searching for entries using hashtags.

What is interesting about Dayre is that all updates shared on the same day appear as part of one post, similar to how a diary works. Each post is marked with a number denoting which day of the year it was posted (out of 365).

Cheo Ming Shen, the founder of Dayre, shared with technology blog The Next Web that Dayre was launched on November 8 and has now already surpassed 60,000 users in just 2 weeks. Google Play also put the number of Android downloads between 50,000 – 100,000, suggesting that the app might have surpassed 100,000 users for both iOS and Android platforms.

dayre google play
Dayre Google Play download as of 8th December

Users seemed to love the app so far, and blogger community has been spreading words about it, helping Dayre boost its download numbers.

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dayre xiaxua

Nash definitely nailed it: Suddenly everyone is on the Dayre app. It definitely seems like Dayre is on to something big.

Read also: Believe it or not, there are 300 million users on LINE right now

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