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This article originally appeared on Vulcan Post.

Heads up! Orchard Road will be the ultimate playground for urban sport at SHINE, a festival that celebrates all things youth culture in Singapore, happening from 10 to 12 July. From YouTube pop culture to Slacklining across Orchard Road, it’s a platform where the youths can showcase their talents and passion.

One of the highlights at SHINE this year is urban sports – which is not exactly just ’sports in urban areas’ but sports that tend toward the more extreme and adrenaline rush-inducing. Think jumping over walls, doing flips while running and balancing on a thin rope at such great heights. That got you a bit excited yet? Here are some performances you can expect at SHINE Festival 2015.

Pumped Up Kicks

The nation’s favourite sport gets a revamp with Freestyle Football. Incredibly fast-paced and mesmerising to watch, it’s a definite highlight at SHINE. Roping in the pros like the Urban Street Team of Singapore and Sean Garnier, World Freestyle Football Champion and a Red Bull athlete to show just how stylish and skilled the sport can be. According to the pros, prior experience in football is a plus to master Freestyle Football. All we can say is that these guys are very passionate, stating that they consider Freestyle Football as a way of expressing themselves. Deep.



Running With The Boys

The most frequently asked question is: how is Freerunning different from Parkour? The difference is real simple, and it all comes down to style. While Parkour is about getting from one place to another in the shortest time possible, Freerunning is all about busting out them fancy moves. Whether it’s a backflip or three, Freerunning is all about the flair. And SHINE is the perfect festival to show off some moves.

Ryan Doyle (Image Credit: Facebook)
Ryan Doyle (Image Credit: Facebook)

Ryan Doyle, described as ‘a world champion Freerunner who simply defies gravity’ is a legit Red Bull athlete who is a 2-time World Freerunning Champion. Best thing, this fast running man will be right here in Singapore performing and sharing his tricks. You might even pick up a thing or two watching him.

I Want To Ride My Bicycle

The weapon of choice: just a bike. We’re probably most acquainted with this urban sport around Singapore. BMX Freestyle is everywhere. Fancy bike moves at a park or at the void deck, whizzing by as we’re hurrying home, usually travels in packs – yup, that one.  An offshoot of BMX racing but still as extreme, flatland freestyle BMX is – like its name – is performed on a smooth and flat surface and features some pretty astounding moves including spins and jumps. At SHINE, BMX Freestyle gets a stage to showcase some spectacular moves at the feature performance on Orchard Road itself.

Image Credit: espn.go.com
Image Credit: espn.go.com

Such Great Heights

Perhaps the most nerve-racking of all the urban sports, Slacklining is a version of tightrope walking but the difference lies in the type of rope used. And with anything where you are required to cross while balancing precariously above ground – yeah, it’s pretty scary all right. Climbers who were taking a day off at Yosemite National Park first forged Slacklining in the 1970s and 1980s. It was a down-day activity to keep skills sharp while the arms recovered from the climbing. Today, Slacklining is closer to gymnastics, an Olympic trampoline competition on a bouncy balance beam. Pssst, something called Slackline Yoga if you’re curious…

Image Credit: Tim Kemple |National Geographic
Image Credit: Tim Kemple |National Geographic

Think this is enough to keep you on your feet all day? Freestyle your way down to SHINE Festival, happening 10-12 July. Keep tabs on the event by checking out: shine.nyc.sg

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