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Should I feel bad? I consider myself a technology enthusiast, yet there are well over four hacks in this Buzzfeed video that look totally foreign to me.

Take dead batteries (0:51 mark) for instance. When we want to see if they work, we test them by putting them in devices. Au contraire, it turns out to be the wrong technique. because apparently all we have to do is conduct a simple drop test.

According to Gizmodo, when the alkaline in a battery becomes overused, it produces a gas that fills the inside. So while good batteries usually stay standing, dead batteries bounce and tend to fall down.

Talk about a life-changing revelation.

Also read: Removing Embarrassing Photos Has Become Easier, Thanks To This Infographic

Because of this, I decided to compile some of the best little tips that will surely spice up and make your life easier. Everyone should be familiar with these uncommon solutions as they shave valuable seconds off your time.

God bless Lifehack and Buzzfeed.

Ear Plugs Make A Great Replacement For Ruined Earbuds

Image Credit: Instructables

Fact: earbuds are flimsy. Not only are ear plugs inexpensive, they also cancel out sound. How’s that for killing two birds with one stone? Pro tip: get them at Daiso.

Cups = Superb Speakers

Image Credit: wikihow

No, not Anna Kendrick’s Cups. Rather, plastic cups! It seems like there’s a trend going on around here; both Buzzfeed and Pop Sugar wrote about this legit and sweet idea. It works surprisingly well. Now, who says you need a Harman Kardon to enjoy good music?

Recycle Your Planner/Book Into A Tablet Case 

Image Credit: Instructables

Put your DIY chops to good use, folks! If you think you have what it takes and don’t mind saving some extra cash, click here for instructions. If you like vintage, use children’s books.

Use Zip Lock Bags To Watch Movies

Image Credit: gettinby

More specifically, put your iPad in a zip lock bag and clip it to the back of an airplane seat to watch your favourite movies. Seriously, why haven’t we thought of this before? This Quora user deserves a Nobel prize for this strange and awesome idea.

Home Remedy for Brain Freeze

Image Credit: blip tv

True story: the last time I had a brain freeze, I ended up having a migraine. With that point in mind, it’s a huge relief to know that there’s a solution to this knotty problem. The (knock on wood) next time you have an ice-cream headache, simply press the underside of your tongue against the roof of your mouth. This is another gem from Quora.

Break in a New Pair of Shoe Under 5 Minutes

Image Credit: homespunhaley

New shoes can be a pain in the butt (or feet). To say goodbye to blisters, all you need is a blow dryer and a pair of thick socks. All you have to do is put on the socks and then the shoes, and use a hairdryer to blow dry. Apparently, the heat helps to shape and loosen the material to your foot!

Fancy yourself as a lifehack guru? Know any “under the radar” solutions to our everyday problems? Share with us on the official Vulcan Post Facebook page, we’d love to hear from you!

Also read: S’pore Healthcare Technology Advances With Tele-Rehabilitation And Robotic Arms

Categories: Opinions, Videos, Lifestyle

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