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As an active netizen, it’s impossible for you to not have watched Volvo’s most recent advertisement featuring the black belt actor-director Jean-Claude Van Damme. Blogs around the world hailed it as “the greatest ad ever”, some even called for marketers to quit because there’s apparently no topping that.

Go ahead, indulge yourself again. Watch JCVD risk his manliest part in Volvo’s ad, aptly titled “The Epic Split”.


Yes, someone topped it. What makes this whole thing so epic is the fact that Chuck Norris was the one who attempted to beat this death-defying stunt.

Watch Chuck Norris beat the Volvo ad with the help of 10 other people, complete with a recitation of Shakespeare’s Hamlet.

Chuck Norris beats Jean-Claude hands down. With the help of a team of CGI (computer-generated imagery) experts, of course.

At the end of it all, these videos exemplify the vibrance of the advertising industry — creativity is well and alive in advertising.

Even Russia’s president is in on the competition. He’s not one to be messed with!

Putin Split

[source: Autoevolution]

Thanks Volvo, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Chuck Norris, and Putin for that little bit of fun. Oh, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you, too.

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