poo logging app
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Everyday we are bombarded with new mobile apps on the iOS App Store and the Android Google Play. There are so many of them and there simply isn’t enough time to try all of them.

A category of app which is getting more and more popular these days are those that track and measure your personal data. A notable example would be FitBit or the popular sleep tracker app Sleepbot. You can track just about anything these days.

However, a Japanese app has taken personal data tracking to the next level. The app, called “Unlog” (Poo Log in English), lets you input details about each poop that you make.

We’ll let you take a minute to soak that in.

poop tracking


According to Japan tech blog The Bridge, the free app, allows you to specify the size, shape, and color of your poops, as well as input how bad it smelled or whether or not you experienced any discomfort. There also a memo if you want to add some more detailed notes. Upon submission, each poop is assigned a ‘poton’ (a sort of dropping sound in Japanese) score as a strange sort of reward.

As you input more and more poops, you can then look back on them all dotting your calendar, plotted on a graph, or even marked geographically on a map.

poo log

The app has been around since July 2012, but recently receive attention from the locals in Japan as it released an update with a range of new features, including cloud data storage and the ability to record logs for multiple users.

To date, there are over 130,000 downloads to date.

Yes, the app has been downloaded over 130,000 times, showing you people actually are keen in tracking, well, their state of poo.

Unfortunately, the app is only available in Japanese (iOS and Android).

Let’s hope the English version comes out soon.

Categories: News Reader, Opinions

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