Everyday at Vulcan Post, we scour the Internet to look for great content to share it with our readers, going through the deep dark threads of forums, social media channels as well as the countless number of publications hunting for the best content. This is part of our job, and it takes a lot of time. When we find content that is relevant to us (and you), we publish it here, or sometimes we share those website links onto our social media channels.
It was only recently that we began facing a big problem with content curation: we could not measure how much traffic these external articles were bringing. We read new articles all the time, and more often than not, we don’t remember where we found those links in the first place.
So what if we shared a link to Huffington Post and generated 1,000 visits to their website? So what if we get 50 likes for that shared article on our Facebook page? We realised that none of these numbers have any direct impact on our site. It’s also not easy to measure the value of driving traffic to other websites.
Today, we are excited to share that we have created a new tool to answer all of these questions: Parrot. Parrot is an easy to use tool that allows you to add call to actions to the links you share. It is especially useful for publishers or social media managers who rely on content curation as a core traffic acquisition strategy.
Here’s how it works:
1. Discover The Content You Want To Share
If you already have a piece of content you want to share, fantastic. For those who manage social media pages and do not know what content to share, you can also discover various types of content on Parrot to be shared. Parrot indexes all forums and publications in Singapore daily, and shows you a round up of the most widely shared content.

2. Create Your Call To Action
Once you have your article, you can copy and paste its URL onto the Parrot dashboard. You can then edit the call to action on that page, which can be a click through button to your website, an event page, your Facebook page, or any hyperlink that you want. There are two views that you can choose from for your call to action to appear in: it can be either a top bar with customisable messages, or a pop up view.

3. Share Your Parrot Link & Drive Virality Back To Your Site
Once you are done and happy with the call to actions, you can click the “create” button and a custom Parrot link will be created for you. You can then share this link on your social media page. When your followers click on the link, they will see the article with the call to action.
This means that with every page you share with Parrot, there will be a click-through opportunity. Every link you share will offer a tangible conversion rate of click-throughs to your destination URL.
For example, we added a call to action to this article which reported the haze, Thousands flee Pekanbaru as haze hits record high, prompting our readers to check out our haze battle guide. We saw a 7% referral traffic from the article we shared.
Some of the other things we did with Parrot is also to allow publishers to easily convert all external URLs on their site to links with call to actions.
We are really excited about Parrot so we encourage you to also give Parrot a spin, and let us hear your feedbacks if you have any!
Try Parrot now: Prrt.co