google glass titanium collection
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For the longest time, Google Glass enthusiasts have been asking if there are prescription lenses for the new hip Google Glass.

The answer is now yes.

Google Glass has just announced that it has launched the Google Glass Titanium Collection, which comes with 4 styles.

“If we had a nickel for every time someone has asked about prescription lenses for Glass… well, we’d have a lot of nickels. So we want you to be the first to know that the Titanium Collection is here, with a handful of new styles for Glass so you can make it your own. Whether you wear prescription glasses or just want a new look, we’ve got four feather-light titanium frames designed just for you. And if you need prescription lenses and have vision insurance (such as VSP), your policy might even help cover your new frames. Explorers can access the Titanium Collection tomorrow afternoon, along with two new styles of twist-on shades.

This is only the beginning, and we can’t wait to hear which style is your style. Check ‘em out on our website, and tell us what you think” – Google.

Here are the 4 new styles:

google glass

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Prescription frames for the Internet-enabled headset cost $225, in addition to the $1,500 entry fee to the Google Glass Explorer program. Google expects public availability of Glass beyond the Explorer program to happen in late 2014.

With the prescription lenses available, looks like Google Glass is ready for mass market adoption, as one of the biggest feedback the company had was that it didn’t make sense for those who are wearing glasses already to purchase another Google Glass.

Also read: Singapore company Nuke Optics makes cool customizable sunglasses

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