With the myriad of apps available on mobile today, couples will have no trouble keeping track of each other. One such app that allows this constant communication (said to be the magic in keeping relations alive) is Between, an aptly named mobile application that links between two people.
For all couples who have been lamenting the day IT blocked Facebook in their office, thereby preventing two lovebirds from communicating surreptitiously via the Facebook messenger, we have great news to share! Between is launching on PC’s today! The app previously available only on iOS and Android is now available for download on desktop computers as well.

Since it was officially launched in March 2012, the app has been making its name known all over the world. We’ve even covered an article about it back in December 2013 when it crossed the 5 million global downloads milestone. Between is released by Seoul-based startup, Value Creators & Company (VCNC) whose vision is to provide emotional communication services to enrich real, offline-based relationships.
“As the leading platform for couples, we cannot ignore the 8 hours that couples spend daily on desktop computers. The development of Between’s PC version was to ensure that Between can continue to enrich couples’ relationships across the main screens that they spend their time at,” said Park Jeauk, CEO and co-founder of VCNC in an electronic press release to the Vulcan Post.
VCNC beta-tested the app on 5,000 testers at the end of September and seen an impressive 85% increase in daily messaging from the PC version testers. The chart shared by VCNC showed the messaging activities for both mobile users (in cyan) and PC users (pink) throughout the day.

Yes, we noted the increase of PC usage during work hours too.
General Manager or VCNC in Singapore, Joash Wee told Vulcan Post, “We had the hypothesis that users will prefer chatting on their desktop during these hours as they are usually on their desktop or laptop computers during then, and our beta testers’ data proved that right. And then you’ll notice the periods where users are away from their desk that mobile traffic picks up.”
When questioned about whether people are slacking off at work and chatting with their significant others when they’re supposed to be focusing on work, Joash added, “I don’t think people are “slacking” at work, but that they are able to multi-task on the desktop more efficiently (multiple screens/tabs/applications running in the foreground and background and large keyboards that makes typing easier and more comfortable).

Also, the focus during work is the desktop screen. This could mean that the mobile screen is not given as much attention during work hours and hence bringing Between to PC is really important to enable couples to have a way to communicate when they need to. We are always looking to make it easier and more efficient for couples.”
Between boasts more than 9 million downloads worldwide, with the majority of the users from Asia. VCNC shared that 51% of it’s users come from South Korea, 15% from Japan, 8% from China, 6.5% from Taiwan, 6% from South East Asia, 3.5% from US and 10% from other countries all over the world. The mobile app comes in 13 language selections, Koran, English, Japanese, Chiense, Arabic, Indonesian, Thai, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, and German.
It is a mobile app designed for two that runs like an ultra-private version of Facebook, where the two users are able to chat, share pictures, keep journals, exchange voice messages and leave comments. Users are able to create blog-like posts on the app with picture albums and notes. In addition, the app has a shared calendar that lets users note reminders for birthdays, anniversaries and other important dates.

Between enforces a strict one-account-per-email rule that encourages users to focus on their significant other. The app even has a useful ‘days since meeting’ count that promises forgetful couples never to forget the 100th day or even 1000th day anniversary ever again.
Most of the functions in the app is free, with additional premium features such as video messages and animated emoticons available as in-app purchases. In addition, users are able to get mobile coupons via the app to send flowers and other gifts for their significant others. Joash shared that it was a challenge bringing all these functions to a different platform (PC).
“Our developers had to find a way to make sure that the messaging is not affected (very important to deliver messages in a timely manner), stickers work well, and also that notifications are able to be pushed on both mobile and PC versions to enable a seamless service for our users across these screens.”
I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to try this out at work!