Why sit and wait for your crush to come to you? Too many women are hesitant to be the one making the first move — whether it’s out of shyness, or because of the social norms we’ve constructed around us, or worse still, the fear of not being mysterious or enticing enough. There are a myriad of reasons, and they can end up limiting your options and leading to missed opportunities.
Women Take Charge
Enter Bumble. Bumble is a social discovery app that aims to change this by encouraging women to be the one to initiate a chat.
I learnt about Bumble when I was minding my own beeswax one day and noticed that Tinder had pinged me about a new match. As I opened the app, I realised that my match had already dropped me a message. It felt refreshing and I really admired her forthrightness. Long story short, as we got to talking, she asked if I had tried Bumble.
At the time, I had not. But now I have. Like the aforementioned experience on Tinder, Bumble is a breath of fresh air.
Like Tinder and a multitude of other dating apps, Bumble allows you to attempt to make a connection, or not, by swiping right or left. When two people mutually swipe right on each other, they form a match. But here’s the catch: The woman has 24 hours to say something first or the match disappears forever. The man on the other hand, can up his chances by extending the queue for an additional 24 hours for a single match per day.
Make A Move Or It Might Be A Missed Opportunity

Bumble aims to break down problematic and antiquated heterosexual dating cliches. So if you’re into same-sex dating, those rules don’t apply. Or at least, either person has to make the first move before the connection disappears in 24 hours.
Bumble isn’t just for dating either. The app also has an option to switch to a “BFF mode” where you are shown people that are exclusively looking to make friends on the app. Again, either person has only 24 hours to make the first move before the connection expires. So it’s best to get in contact quickly and not dilly-dally!
If you spend your entire life waiting patiently for people to give you what you want, you’ll be pretty unsatisfied. Knowing what you want and acting on it will let you feel better about yourself. What’s the worst that could happen? Rejection isn’t the end of the world. There are plenty of fish in the sea.
At the moment, the community certainly isn’t as large as Tinder’s. But honey, if you’re looking for something different, and you’re not stingy with making the first move, buzz on over to Bumble and give it a shot.