
From qualifications in accounting and banking & finance, brothers Jeffrey Lee and Jason Lee took the unconventional path and became a certified sports nutritionist and a certified personal trainer respectively.

Image Credit: Grindz Supplements

In fact, to put their money where their mouth is, Jeffrey himself lost 8 kgs in 4 months and went from a “Large” clothing size to a “Small”. He did this by following the advanced version of Grindz’s meal plan and included Grindz Supplements in his diet. That is exactly what lends credibility to the startup which he co-founded alongside his brother.

Time To Rise And Grindz

Image Credit: Grindz Supplements
Image Credit: Grindz Supplements

Grindz Supplements is a nutritional supplement in the form of powder, which can be mixed into any forms of liquid, in order to aid bowel movement and ultimately weight loss. What makes the formulation unique is that they are made for Asians, unlike many Western-based supplements which might not necessarily be as effective for Malaysians.

The supplements are divided into two separate powder-form drinks, which are Apple Clenz, a formulation which specifically aids bowel movement, as well as Booz Tea, a refreshing blend of green tea.

Image Credit: Grindz Supplements

Grindz Supplement is formulated with the chemists whom the brothers worked closely with. Jeffrey said, “For the supplements, we found that Malaysians do not take a sufficient amount of dietary fibre which is essential in our daily life. The fibre aids in detoxification and staying in shape by promoting healthy bowel movement.”

Eat Right, Lose More

Image Credit: Grindz Supplements
Left: Grindzday meal example; Right: Boozday, go crazy. (Image Credit: Grindz Supplements)

With this, next, comes the meal plan, for no weight losses are sustainable with supplements alone. For the meal plan, the lads worked closely with their mentor, who is a certified sports nutritionist, as well as strength and conditioning specialist.

A key part of the meal plan is eating according to the guidelines in the booklet provided by the team. This consists of 4 days of eating healthy (Grindzday), and then letting oneself go on the 5th day (Boozday). According to the brothers, this Boozday is very important as it keeps the body’s metabolism high, and helps increase weight loss on the other 4 days. This also helps users keep up with the plan, as they’re not losing all their favourite foods, only limiting their consumption of the sinfully good stuff to once every five days.

Image Credit: Grindz Supplements

The food eaten on Grindzday is measured out in palm sized portions, because, as the brothers explained, rarely does anyone go about weighing their food, but everyone can easily estimate an amount based on the size of their palm.

The end product for the meal plan was one which is catered specifically for different gender types and weight categories.

The price for the Grindz package which consists of 2 products (Apple Clenz and Booz Tea) as well as 1 meal plan, is RM 288 and is available for purchase on the Grindz website. These are sufficient for one month.

Integrating Into Malaysian Lifestyles

Image Credit: Grindz Supplements
Image Credit: Grindz Supplements

Grindz began on August 14, 2015, and launched the products during January 2016, whereas marketing began several months later in April. The team has engaged 100+ clients thus far.

One of the strengths of the business is that the brother personally engage each and every client to sit down and explain the product. This is to ensure that the clients understand how to use it and also to manage expectations.

The next step for the lads who were once a project coordinator and audit, is to get their products properly certified under the Biro Pengawalan Farmaseutikal Kebangsaan (BPFK) and also attain a Halal certification. They are also looking to select a right distribution channel for their brand and ultimately to bring their company globally to target the South East Asian market where obesity is on the rise as we share a similar food culture.

“Our goal in Grindz is to be recognised as a reputable health supplement company in Malaysia. We aim to provide a solution whereby ‘weight management made easy’ with the right supplements, nutrition and proper training,” noted Jeffrey.

Feature Image Credit: Grindz Supplements

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