You might still be craving the Google Glass and all the benefits it brings with itself, but this news might deter you a bit. The first case of internet addiction disorder has been reported from using the Google Glass. The 31 years old American, whom we don’t want to name for obvious reasons, used the Google Glass for 18 hours a day and even dreamt that he was viewing his dreams through a Google Glass.
Google Glass is like a traditional pair of spectacles with special embedded chip and storage which helps you with information about almost anything you watch wearing them. If you meet someone, Google will find out everything you know about him and display it. If you wear it while looking at the Eiffel tower, the whole history of Eiffel tower will be in front of your eyes, LITERALLY!

These helpful features worked well with the victim as he wore it during work to speed things up and, as he claimed, even to help him socially as well. Reports say that he removed the device only when bathing or sleeping. When you are using something for 18 hours a day, and for every purpose, it is obviously an addiction.
The doctors from US Navy’s Substance Abuse Recovery Programme (SARP), where he is being treated now, said that the patient often tries to raise his forefinger and tap near his temple, a gesture which resembles Google Glass activation.
Internet addiction disorder or simply IAD, is something which doesn’t sound vicious but it can lead to drinking, social aloofness and behavioural disorders. In extreme cases, it can also lead to suicide.
Huffington Post shares some really worrying figures, such as 38% smartphone owners going to sleep with his device and 10% said losing it even for a day would cause them great distress.

Singaporeans, along with Indians, should be concerned about this news in particular as these are the two countries with the highest amount of internet addiction. If you think losing the internet for 12 hours can make you go crazy, you are not far from IAD, if not suffering from it already. FOMO or Fear Of Missing Out is very prevalent in both the countries with people owning digitally connected devices.
How To Detect IAD
1. You spend more time online than in the real world.
2. Even when you want to switch the device off, you always fail to do so.
3. Hiding your excessive computer/smartphone usage from people.
4. Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO) when not using the internet device, resulting in anxiety and discomfort.

If you are suffering from some degree of IAD, here are some tips to ease yourself back into normal life.
1. Spend a day a week without the internet. Turn off the Wi-Fi and the data connection from your phone, keep the computer off and spend the day in real life social activities and interactions.
2. There are add-ons both in FireFox and Chrome which will remind you to take a break when using the internet for a long time. Installing one such add-on will help you immensely.
3. If your kids are hooked to smartphones or computers, find a way to turn on the auto-schedule of your router which will deactivate the router and disconnect the internet at the times you deem reasonable.
4. If you feel you are getting addicted, ask a friend to help practice Step 3 on yourself.
5. Participate in real-life activities instead of online versions. Meet friends at a café instead of on Skype or Facebook. It could do wonders to your social life.