It should be a no-brainer that money plays a huge factor in boosting a person’s image. Whether it be by being a glamorous jet-setter or spending it on lavish and luxurious items that the average-incomer can only put on their wishlist, cold hard cash does wonders on influencing the public’s view.
But no matter how much fortune is owned, true respect is not something easily bought.
And Jeffrey Cheah shows how it’s actually done.
His name is known among Malaysians, especially those within the Sunway vicinity. Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Jeffrey Cheah is the founder and current chairman of the Sunway Group and has been listed as one of the billionaires in Malaysia. He has made multiple headlines for his contributions towards progressing the Sunway area as a whole along with his generosity in charities.
His latest act that has garnered heavy attention from social media users is him doing something everyone should practice.
Picking up rubbish.
On September 10, a user by the name of Gary Chong on Facebook posted a collage of photos of something he saw while on a walk. Gary was strolling around the Bandar Sunway are when he happened to see a group of mature and elderly looking Asian gentlemen. He noticed how they were picking up little bits of trash whilst walking around such as used tissue paper and little strands of plastic strewn on the pavements and green landscapes around the surrounding buildings.

Initially, Gary mistook them for a group of Japanese tourists, as that was a common sight in their homeland, being a nation known for their proper etiquette. However, as he reached closer, he caught wind of their distinct Malaysian accents which then led Gary into believing they were Singaporean. He never thought that they could be local.
As he walked past them, he saw a recognisable face sticking out from the group and after a quick Google search for confirmation, he realised that one of them happened to be Jeffrey Cheah.

“Respect with a capital “R” to this guy for leading his team who by their age, should be corporate directors and the big guns of the Sunway Group,” said Gary in his post.
Seeing an iconic billionaire doing such a simple act amazed Gary, as he shared how humble Jeffrey seemed to be walking about with no elaborate entourage of media accompanying him to witness his small deed.
“Doing his little bit to take care of the community and infrastructure which he and his group has built over the years… such an inspiration!” shared Gary.
After he shared his Facebook post to the public, fellow netizens began to leave their own comments on how they approved of his humble attitude.
There were some who said he did this regularly and that he’s always known for his cleanliness.
But overall the comments showed how the public agreed with the values he displayed just from picking up litter.
Gary did end his post with a joke, saying how Jeffrey leaving in a Proton instead of his blazing red Ferrari would have been the icing on the cake, but hey. I say let the man have his glitzy moments too.

Although the spotlight was given to Jeffrey due to his status as a billionaire, the values he showed should still be instilled in everyone. Picking up rubbish for the sake of a better environment for the overall community is a true show of simple ethics and responsibility that Malaysians should practice more.
If someone who owns a Ferrari can pick up trash that’s not even his, can’t you?
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