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Singapore has become a veritable breeding ground of startups, and with each startup comes a remarkable story that proves the entrepreneurial youths of today truly do have much to contribute to society.

But what about those startups that actually are contributing back?

In a nutshell, a social enterprise aims to improve the wellbeing of humans and the environment. Recently, we have shared about plenty of startups on Vulcan Post, but it has been a while since we’ve talked about social enterprises.

So today, we celebrate these homegrown enterprises powering change all around the world, one water bottle at a time.

1. Dignity Kitchen

Image Credit: Dignitykitchen
Image Credit: Dignitykitchen

The mission of Dignity Kitchen is “to build and return the dignity to the disabled and disadvantaged through vocation with passion”.

Established in 2010, Dignity Kitchen is the first hawker training school for the disadvantaged and disabled. Since then, their success has seen their expansion to two more locations, as well as the conception of the Dignity Mama stalls.

As part of Project Dignity Pte Ltd, Dignity Mama brings challenged youths and parents together to manage retail of second-hand books.

Image Credit: tnp
Image Credit: The New Paper

And through this, these youths are enabled to gain the confidence to stand up on their own.

2. GIVEasia

Image Credit: Give.asia
Image Credit: Give.asia

Originally GIVEsg, the idea of GIVEasia was conceived when 2 NUS undergraduates, Pong Yu Ming and Aseem K. Thakur, first lamented the hassle of signing up for charity activities.

The idea quickly took root, and they started brainstorming ways to make charity more “fun, accessible and transparent”.  Today, GIVEasia is able to the lives of people in countries such as India and Thailand.

GIVEasia is always on the lookout for ways to make charity more exciting. The past years have seen them partner with Standard Chartered Marathon Singapore to raise a record million of S$200k, as well as crowdfunding for Yujia.

Image Credit: Give.asia
Image Credit: Give.asia

Rather than a co-founder, Yu Ming identifies himself as the Janitor. He is the one in charge fixing the problems.

However, it is clear that he has immense pride for how GIVEasia has grown into a place that is “a collage of all the magic from everyone“.

3. Gobbler5

Image Credit: Gobbler5
Image Credit: Gobbler5

Gobbler5 wants to raise the quality of living amongst marginalised communities, or the ‘sandwiched population’.

Their 3 main pillars are to provide low-cost provisions to these people, educate Singapore on poverty, as well as to partnering with Voluntary Welfare Organisations (VWO). In turn, these VWOs serve as suppliers, distributers or sponsors for these ‘sandwiched populations’.

Image Credit: Gobbler5
Image Credit: Gobbler5dit

For Project Hand-in-Hand, Gobbler5 distributes basic necessities to the less fortunate in exchange for their volunteering services.

4. raiSE

Image Credit: raise

raiSE aims to build awareness and support about social entrepreneurship, as well to encourage the growth of the sector here in Singapore.

In line with the #partofthegood movement, raiSE brings together “thought leaders, corporates and entrepreneurs” in networking sessions where people cam interact and inspire each other.

Image Credit: raise
Image Credit: raise

The Festival For Good 2016 brought together the vibrant community of social entrepreneurs in Singapore. The FFG 2016 was all about celebrating their accomplishments as well as highlighting merchandise emphasising social consciousness.

In May 2016, championed by the National Council of Social Service and Design Singapore Council, raiSE’s Leap For Good saw entrepreneurs working alongside each other to impact change in the awareness of mental heath and eldercare in Singapore. Through LFG, raiSE also sought to crowdfund to bring the teams’ innovative ideas to fruition.

And finally the designs with the most potential will be announced in November.

Image Credit: leapforgood
Image Credit: leapforgood

It’s bound to be an eye-opening experience. You know, just an idea for a day out, instead of always going to the movies.

5. WateROAM

Image Credit: wateroam
Image Credit: wateroam

wateROAM brings clean water to people who do not have the benefit of access to one of life’s core necessities.

Powered by a group of passionate NUS students, the team knows that people in Singapore are blessed with stability. Unfortunately, what we take for granted here is something people thirst for in other countries.

Image Credit: wateroam
A promise to change the water situation on a global scale / Image Credit: wateroam

Through their line of water filtration systems ranging from Lite to the Ultra, wateROAM wants to bring safe water to everyone, everywhere.

Image Credit: wateroam
Image Credit: wateroam

We don’t know about you, but these enterprising Singaporeans are certainly making the world look a little less bleak every day.

Featured Image Credit: Singapore Kindness Movement

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Vulcan Post aims to be the knowledge hub of Singapore and Malaysia.

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