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Just take a look around you, and chances are that almost everyone else will have their faces glued to the screens of various contraptions like our phones, kindles and ipods. Our interactions occur mainly over gadgets now, that we have begun to lose one of our most basic skills; reading each others emotions and moods.

The New York Times have recently published a quiz on their blog which helps you to gauge how sensitive you are at figuring out what someone else is feeling just by looking at their eyes alone.

Are you tuned in to the emotions of others? Or have you been accused of being insensitive?

If you are among those people who are mystified by moods, new research offers hope. A new study shows that certain types of reading can actually help us improve our sensitivity IQ. To find out how well you read the emotions of others, take the Well quiz, which is based on an assessment tool developed by University of Cambridge professor Simon Baron-Cohen.

Another similar test was conducted by BBC to determine sensitivity to others based on smiles. The quiz  requires you to distinguish between a fake and a real smile.

After having done both quiz, I scored 35/36 for the “eye test” and 17/20 for the “smile test”, I feel that the smile test was a lot harder to do. In this day and age where most of our interactions are becoming more digitized, it becomes more important than ever to ensure that we don’t lose our human touch.

Do the tests! How well did you do and much better than your friends did you score? Submit your scores to the comments!

Categories: Lifestyle

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Vulcan Post aims to be the knowledge hub of Singapore and Malaysia.

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