In this article

Entrepreneurship is not an easy job, and founders often work 24/7 to make their brand work. It remains a tough game with plenty of competitors and even the most industrious entrepreneur might forget they have other priorities that are just as important as their company.

These are just 3 of them.

1. Proper Nutrition

2016’s EY Entrepreneur of the Year, David Low once admitted to suffering from stress-induced depression and having improper eating habits. Nutrition is a cornerstone of health, but it is also one of the first things we neglect.

Take time over the weekend to prep meals for the week, or perhaps even try out meal subscription startups such as boxgreen or Fitness Ration. 

2. Time For Socialising

All relationships require investment, and while technology is a great way to keep in touch, nothing beats true face-to-face connection. Take time to spend physical moments with each other and make it fun.

There are plenty of activities that do not cost a cent with meetup.com (perfect for the entrepreneur tight on cash).

3. Pampering Me-Party

A high-demand work environment and stress come hand-in-hand, and if not managed properly, your appearance can easily take a blow. This includes hair and scalp health. Greasy hair and dandruff are just a few problems. Just like facial skin, the scalp is also prone to acne. According to trichologists at TK TrichoKareshampoos like Head and Shoulders are too strong for everyday use, and it’s a mistake many of us make.

TrichoKare is an award-winning hair and scalp centre with 13 years of experience specialising in providing targeted hair solutions. With their profound knowledge in hair and scalp problems, they provide a detailed diagnosis of every scalp type, and recommends a customised scalp treatment program for every individual.

They are no low-end brand, having won 1st in the 2017 Elle Beauty Awards, alongside others such as the 2016 her world SPA, BAZAAR Hair Awards 2016 and Women’s Weekly Hair Awards 2016. Xiaxue, Mediacorp’s Jaynesh and Anand have all had their hair health treated there. 

That clearly proves how effective TrichoKare can be in promoting healthy hair growth, preventing hair fall and hair loss.

With all this in mind, I immediately jumped at the chance to experience their treatment when the offer came my way.

After a detailed analysis, the consultant customised for me an Award-winning Hair Fall Prevention Treatment according to my condition. The treatment got to the root of my hair problems, and was designed to naturally improve my hair and scalp health by regenerating, restoring and reviving them.

Luxuriating in a detox masque / Image Credit: Samantha Tay / Vulcan Post

The first stage was to regulate – removing impurities and excess sebum from the scalp. The second was to strengthen, to nourish the follicles by boosting blood circulation under the scalp. The third focused on density, promoting cell growth to stimulate new hair growth.

All the while, he was also extremely helpful with my barrage of inane questions about how I abus-, take care of my hair. By the end of a pampered 2 hours, my hair did feel refreshed and loved. In term of softness, it was also silkier and fluffier, a miracle, considering that I have notoriously thin hair.

During the pre-treatment analysis, my consultant had a scan done of my scalp, and another one post-treatment.

What was interesting was how the detox masque had been able to cleanse out the clogged pores, which enables new hair growth. In addition, it was amazing how my scalp skin looked less inflamed and sensitive, proving just how bad a condition my scalp had been in before.

Image Credit: TrichoKare

Local Instagrammer Bella Koh (@catslavery) was also invited down to TrichoKare for their hair and scalp treatments, and this is what she had to say.

Good news for all, exclusive for our readers: First 50 to register in this exclusive promotion will get to enjoy an award-winning Hair Fall Prevention Treatment @ $42 (originally $669) plus a restorative scalp serum and personal hair care kit.

Visit http://tk-hair.com/Vulcan to sign up today!

A Startup Life Should Not Be Painful

Being an entrepreneur should not translate to a tough life ahead where work takes precedence over all else. Sure, it is an arduous journey to create the best out of your brand and team and sacrifice is necessary. However, how much can be given up in exchange for success?

Always remember to take care of your health and spend time with your family and friends. Who knows, one of them might even be able to help you in the future.

This article was done in collaboration with TK TrichoKare.

Featured Image Credit: The Huffington Post

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