Ugh, darn this alarm! Why won’t it stop ringing?! It feels like I’ve only had two, or three hours of sleep. *snoozes alarm*
God, I can’t bring myself to get up. It’s raining right now… Such a perfect weather to sleep in.
Fuuu– I overslept! Damn it, can’t be late for my first day of work! And I still haven’t figured out what to wear.
I need time to iron my clothes. And do my hair. And put on makeup. I mean, the first impression is also the last impression right? 😉
Phew, thank god! I made it to the office just in time. I’m sweating like a pig now though – why must Singapore be so hot and humid?
Oh, and there’s the dude who interviewed me the other day… I hope he’s not going to be my supervisor. His face always look damn sian.
“Hi, nice to meet you. I’m Jessica, the new intern – looking forward to working with you!”
I repeated that line to almost every single employee in the office. I hope they look upon me kindly and ask me to be their makan kaki. I don’t want to end up eating alone for lunch. That would just be sad.
First order of the day: Photocopy this thick stack of business proposals – 100 pages in black, double-sided – to be distributed at a morning meeting later.
I’m such a tech noob though! I’m embarrassed to admit, but I haven’t exactly used a photocopying machine before. Back in school, the bookshop auntie does all the work for me. 😅
Okay, I must act smart. Too paiseh to ask for help. I’ll figure this out on my own…
Oh, there’s only two physical buttons on this Fuji Xerox DocuPrint CM315 z. Even a noob like me can understand what these icons stand for: the Power button, and the Home button.
*hits Power button*

AHA! That was easy. Commonly-used functions such as copy, fax, and scan to email all appear on the 4.3″ Colour Touch Panel. Very user-friendly, I like! Definitely saved me time from fumbling around and jabbing random buttons.
What’s also neat is that you can customise the apps on the home screen just like on your mobile phone – simply tap to remove an app.

… Now all I have to do is select the customised shortcut app of my photocopies requirement, then hit start! All the settings are already preset so I don’t have to tinker around. Convenience at its best!
Gonna play some games on my phone while waiting for it to print. *printer whirs*
Wow, it only took me one game of Candy Crush for it to finish printing a hundred copies. A fast print rate of up to 28 pages per minute – I am impressed!
Speedy printing means more time to prepare for the 10am meeting. GTG!
That was one super long meeting zzz. I don’t think they would have ended it if it wasn’t for lunch hour. 😒
I couldn’t help myself from nodding off (no one saw me, I kept my head low pretending to take notes) and missed out on some of the presentations.
And my boss just told me that I have to write up a report based on what was discussed. Shucks? No, not really.
Call me a forward-thinker. I actually recorded the audio of the meeting on my phone. #smart
Back from lunch! I unabashedly asked the receptionist if I could join her for lunch – and she welcomingly said yes! She seems like a genuinely friendly person, so yay, +1 work buddy!
And I bumped into the HR lady earlier in the lift. She wants a double-sided copy of my NRIC and banking account details to add to the employee database.
O…kay, I don’t know how to do “double-sided copy”, but I’ll try.

Oh wait – the DocuPrinter already has an ID card copy function! And it provides a step-by-step instruction so I don’t have to stand there scratching my head and figure out how to work the function. I just love how intuitive this machine is!
Oh my god, I spent two hours working on this report and I am FINALLY DONE!
Half the day is gone and I desperately need a break. Some Starbucks would do me good. I spotted one a few blocks away from the office earlier.
I’m just gonna scoot over for a quick caffeine boost.
Ugh, waiting for the barista to take my latte order takes forever!
And yikes, just got a WhatsApp message from my boss that he wants the report in hardcopy now.
Okay, calm down. I remember that the DocuPrinter has a Google Cloud Print Ready function. So all I have to do is just tap on the Google Drive app on my mobile phone and have the file sent securely to the cloud-connected office printer over the web.
How handy – this function is perfect for those who are always on the move!
Oooh, my colleague (yes, I made another friend with the girl sitting at the cubicle opposite me) just told me that I should add my photo to the office wall.
She also told me to write my birth date at the bottom so the office can celebrate each other’s birthday together when our special day comes.
I scrolled through the camera roll on my iPhone and found a chio selfie of myself. I utilised the AirPrint function and it took me only three simple taps to get it printed. Swee!

I can hear the printer spring to life from my desk. I walk over to it to collect the photo and I was absolutely amazed by the outstanding image quality produced by the Super-EA Eco Toner.
This toner also reduces power and toner consumption, which ultimately translates to cost savings for the business. More savings means more profit, and hopefully this will convert to a pay raise for the staff?
An intern can definitely do more than just $500 a month, sigh.
HELL YEAH! I’ve constantly been checking my watch and counting down to knock-off time. I quickly packed my stuff and texted my boyfriend that I am already leaving the office.
He promptly replied: Good job babe, you survived the first day of work. How was it?
Me: Not bad lah. I made a couple of friends. And call me ‘suaku’ but I was pretty impressed by our office printer. It’s so cool and high-tech! Saved my life a couple of times today, haha. Will tell you more about it over dinner. See you later!
Okay wait, maybe it’s overreaching to say that being an intern is all about running printing errands (or going on coffee runs). Interns are more than just ‘saikang warriors’, and the internship period is rightfully a time for them to gain experience and insight into the working life.
That said, this ‘intern diary’ does not accurately encapsulate the intern life BUT the review on the Fuji Xerox DocuPrint CM315 z is indeed valid – it does help to boost productivity in the workplace and has great mobility features, on top of superb print quality.
Learn more about its specs here and if you’re keen, you can head on over to Fuji Xerox premium partner to order online with free delivery.
This article was written in collaboration with Fuji Xerox.
Featured Image Credit: Vulcan Post