Choosing the right name is very important to a business. That’s why some businesses make a big deal out of any name changes they go through.
SEO convention also states that unique words are more Google-able, which helps interested people learn about your brand.
But when we see some names pop up, we just can’t help but to share a private giggle in the office.
So in celebration of the extents of human creativity, and our ability to link anything to genitalia, please enjoy this list of suggestive startup names that we hope will brighten your day as much as it did ours.
1. SenDingDong
The startup that started us on this train of thought deserves a special mention.
We were disappointed when we learnt that SenDingDong is in fact, not a startup that delivers dongs to you. Instead, the ‘Ding Dong’ in the name refers the sound a doorbell makes when your package arrives to you.

Their focus lies in same-day delivery, particularly in getting gifts out to that special someone as fast as possible.
I’m just saying that considering their focus, who is to say that they can’t add a variety of dongs into their repertoire in the future?
2. 7inchez
“Get yours done right.”

This award-winning startup deals with websites—how to design, how to develop, and how to get your name out there in social media. With the addition of app and game development into their fold, the team seems to have a strong foot in the ever-evolving way we interact with the world.
We also think that they know. They know the implications. And they’re playing it up.

3. PikatKL
Not to be confused with an escort agency operating in the general Kuala Lumpur area, or even a dating platform à la Tinder, what PikatKL does is design and sell clothes.

This startup is actually a clothes label, coming into the scene in 2015. They set out to sell stylish, yet modest clothes. Besides selling their wares online, you’ll also be able to find their lines in Fashion Valet’s physical store and in Singapore.
I have to admit though, these designs do pikat my interest.
4. VRGini
This particular startup also featured in another one of our articles, and with good reason. With just a little tweak in their name, VRGini can easily turn into VRGinity.
Well get your mind out of the gutter guys, because they’re actually a real-estate startup hoping to change the game with Virtual reality, ie VR.

Pictures aren’t enough for prospective buyers to check out the quality of a real estate property, sense the size of the property, etc. So a real estate agent could instead offer a more immersive VR experience, where customers could slip into a VR world instead of showrooms.
5. Internut
Wanna check out deez nuts? Look no further than Internut.
And their startup is nut what you think.

Theirs is an unconventional advertising agency that, based on their case studies, are perfectly happy to shell out wacky ideas to get a client’s name out there.
A marriage of in-depth tech development with marketing strategies—like building apps or working on projects that help the UN find endangered species—the team also characterise themselves as whacky.
6. Lemon
Anime nerds (I’m sorry, otakus) from the early 2000s know what I’m talking about.
In outdated nerd terminology, the term lemon usually refers to manga or anime fanfiction that contain explicit sex. We admit this is a stretch, but you can probably guess a little about our team’s interests from the amusement the name generated.

The actual startup Lemon is a food discovery platform that curates and lists menus of restaurants all in one app, regardless of if you like sweet, or salty food.
7. Dongkey
This is another one for the dong-squad.
More than just sharing a space to work in, this business wants you to come right inside—into their home that is. Dongkey is a house built specifically for co-living, a concept that is now gaining a lot of traction and interest overseas.

Sure, students have been doing this for ages, but it seems like with this startup, they’ve actually built the entire house with co-living in mind.
We’ve yet to see any large corporates take interest in the concept yet, but it might be something to watch.
8. Foooqy
We originally saved this startup with a “k” instead of a “q”, and we do not advise searching “Foooky Malaysia” or similar variations without your safe search on.
With this startup, you can opt to order a foooqy delicious meal. They aim to source home chefs and aspiring food entrepreneurs to make discovering them an easier and fun time.

They’re not the only startups in this business, and for good reason.
Homemade food from the kitchens of Malaysian uncles and aunties is often touted as the most delicious of Malaysian foods, with their creamy curries and pert, bouncy cakes. You could put all of it in your mouth.
9. MilkADeal
As it says in the name itself, this platform gives you deals that you can milk. And the more stores you visit, the more deals you can milk, until they run dry.

How the site works is this: when you patron a store, or buy from a website that’s affiliated with MilkADeal, the website rewards you with cashback.
Of course, this could all be in my head. But with names like VRGini and Internut, I will bet that at least one other person has given these startup names similar thoughts.
But this is all just in good fun. One thing you’ll know for sure that at the very least, these names are memorable.
And each of them are also fighting the good startup fight to get their product out there, scaling, and generally keeping it sustainable. If their slightly risque names—deliberate or otherwise—get them talked about more, it’s a good way to reach a wider audience.