Grab has officially joined the Star Wars battle with their latest campaign.
Grab users can opt to join either The Resistance or take on a darker path with The First Order, and if you end up on the winning side, you might win yourself an all-expenses paid trip to Rancho Obi-Wan for 2.
For those unfamiliar, the ranch is the world’s largest privately-owned Star Wars memorabilia museum in San Francisco.

Who Will You Fight For?
Grab is collaborating with The Walt Disney Company Southeast Asia for Star Wars: The Last Jedi.
When you load the app, you can select your side and your app will be re-skinned for 5 weeks.
Drivers will now either appear as TIE Silencers or A Wing fighter jets.

Of course, being a frequent rider now comes with perks.
All Grab users stand to win exclusive Star Wars: The Last Jedi premiums, and tickets to the private movie screening of Star Wars: The Last Jedi.”
But in every battle, no one fights alone.
Here are your battle deets:

So, what are you waiting for?
Join The First Order today.
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