Do you spend your weekends dreading the Mondays to come because that means going to work for the next 5 days? Do you constantly check the time for when you can FINALLY leave work?
Do you feel like you aren’t given the opportunities to fulfill your whole potential? Feeling like you want to quit your job? Is there a way to improve your job at all?
Well, there’s still hope! Although there are many reasons for you to quit your job, consider trying to fix your current predicaments in your work life instead.
Take this as a message to stop whining and actually do something to change your situation. Quitting seems like an easy way out. What happens when you encounter the same problems at a different job? Are you just going to quit again? I sure hope not.
So what should you do? Don’t quit your job just yet, fix it instead!
Here’s 4 ways to improve your job experience.
1. Lose your ego.

What does having an ego actually mean? For instance, when you are pitching an idea of yours during a meeting and someone questions it or disagrees with it, it is your ego that asks, “How dare he/she challenge me like that?”
The far more important and beneficial thing to do is to assess yourself to see if the problem is internal. Quite often when someone does not get along well at their workplace, it is because of their ego. This makes them hard to approach. Unfortunately, nobody wants to deal with the office “Know-It-All”.
You may be reading this, thinking “But everyone I work with is so annoying.”
Hold on.
You can’t put the blame on others so easily. Before you start judging others, put yourself in their shoes and think about your actions at work. Does the way you act demean others, making them uncomfortable around you?
Only when you lose your ego will you start to take things positively. Thus, this will improve your relationships at work, consecutively improving the overall office vibes.
2. Talk To Your Boss.

I know this may seem intimidating particularly if your boss is Type A, but you’ll never know if you don’t try, right? It might not be such a scary thing, opening up to your boss about how you feel. Especially since its outcome might be beneficial to the company.
Maybe you are unsatisfied or bored with your current daily tasks. Try voicing out these concerns to your boss; perhaps you are looking for more challenging tasks that will use more of your skills and talents.
The truth is, it is not worth it if you are dreading each moment you are given a task you despise. Perhaps you can propose new exciting projects that are beneficial to the company to your employer.
This not only shows initiative but also that you are taking charge and making a change to your problem. Putting your skills and interest to good use would definitely yield stronger and better results.
3. Find A Buddy
As if it isn’t hard enough already for adults to make friends, it’s even more challenging to do so in the workplace. You might find it a struggle to fit in and find someone you can connect with, especially if you’re new in the workplace.
The truth is, having a friend makes it a whole lot easier to deal with the stress of work life. Despite all of the negativity, having a friend to lean on is a motivating factor that’ll make work more tolerable.
So, if you want to quit your job just because you feel lonely at work, try putting more of an effort into connecting with a colleague. Try saying yes to any lunch invitations as this is the best time to get to know your co-workers on a more personal level.
Other than that, try volunteering to help your co-workers once in awhile with their tasks—don’t just expect them to come to you. Effort goes both ways, my friend.
4. Declutter Your Mess

Although this may sound trivial, you might be surprised by the effects of just clearing out your desk once in awhile.
A cluttered workplace can make you less productive. It not only slows you down but it can also complicate your everyday tasks. You can start small by clearing out your flooding inbox or reorganising your files.
Cleaning up is freeing and engaging. You’re stating, “This is important, and this isn’t.”
It’s a physical, hands-on approach to take part in settling on choices about your life and what you need to do with it.
Trust me, getting organised will boost your energy and productivity at work. Don’t let clutter obscure your capabilities.
If you find yourself being miserable at work, the first step is to realise that nothing will change unless you do something about it. These are just the minor changes you can make to ensure your work life is slightly more bearable.
You can start by finding something that relates to you on the list and work on it. Knowing that you have made a conscious effort in changing your work life will give you a sense of accomplishment.
All in all, it’s a slow process, but have faith that you will see progress.
This article was written by Vinitra Pillai with the title “Hate Your Job? 4 Ways To Improve Your Job” and was first published on Wobb, a job application platform for millennials who value the importance of good working culture.
Feature Image Credit: Flickr User Jesus Solana