Unless you’re George Clooney or Brad Pitt, majority of men do not age as gracefully as they’d like to.
But that’s not to say we can’t slow it down and take a shot at ageing like ChuanDo Tan.
Let us walk you through the ageing process.
20s – The Peak Of Your Youth

This is typically the time men finish serving National Service (NS) and graduate and get a job.
Most men at this age would still put in the effort to look good for school or for work. It is also when they spend a lot of time building and catching up with their social circles.
Staying up to watch soccer with friends or playing games until 3am despite having work or school the next day becomes an unhealthy habit. Especially when junk food is used to fuel those late nights.
And the effects of that unhealthy lifestyle do show. They show up in the form of bumpy skin, duller skin ton, and acne.
If you thought they only appear on your face, acne can spread to the neck and back too. Scratching them or trying to pop them might end up scarring the skin.
The solution: Amaris B. Clinic’s acne management treatment helps control acne spots, diminish blemishes, scars, and reduce post-acne pigmentation.
Depending on the severity of the skin’s condition, Medical Director, Dr. Ivan Puah, will recommend a treatment tailored to your acne problems, like oral medication, specialised medical-grade peels, Dermabrasion, and Laser Acne Treatment.
30s – The Peak Of Your Career

As men hit the big three-oh, physical changes become more apparent.
The face would probably look more mature than before, perhaps with more facial hair. When before, you had a slim facial silhouette, now you’d have a stronger jawline.
Most men tend to marry and settle down at this age as they progress in their careers, earning enough to comfortably start a family.
But juggling work and family responsibilities can be very tiring.
When you become so busy, you start finding excuses to not exercise despite subscribing to a well-known gym in town. Where did that determination to hit the gym go?
The solution: The VASER Lipo targets unwanted fat cells in all the areas prone to gaining weight and uses a minimally-invasive method that does not harm the body’s vital tissues at all. It is a delicate procedure, using ultrasonic waves to precisely break down and liquify fat cells.
For that three-dimensional body and washboard abs, the VASER Hi-Def Lipo is the answer. This treatment is intended for generally fit men who want to further define their muscles and achieve that perfectly sculpted body.
40s – The Peak Of Your Fortune

By this age, most men would have progressed to a good position in the company or have at least achieved most of their career goals.
For many years, they have built their lives around their career, so this is the time they channel most of their energy and time on their family.
This is the time most men develop the dreaded ‘dad bod‘ because there is just “no time” to work out anymore, and that paunch just keeps growing despite the evening runs and weekend swims.
The solution: Sometimes, going to the gym religiously isn’t enough. As you age, metabolism slows down a lot. Amaris B Clinic’s weight loss treatment is a customised and comprehensive slimming programme that combines fitness and science, and tailored to any individual.
This treatment can help you overcome some of the obstacles you’ll encounter during your weight loss journey. There is no substitute for diet and exercise, but with this treatment by Amaris B Clinic, using aesthetics technology, science-based nutrition, and personal support, you will see results much faster.
50s – The Peak Of Your Health

It might sound ironic, but this is when men (and women) are prone to age-related illnesses.
But work will probably be less hectic as you become so experienced, and the children of the family would be more or less financially independent. This all means lesser stress.
This also gives you the time to focus on your health.
However, as you get prescribed medication for your different ailments, there could be side effects like hormonal imbalance.
Gynecomastia is the development of the ‘man boob’ which could occur during puberty. It can also happen as men age.
It is a medical condition with real symptoms, such as tenderness of the breast area and swelling of the glands on the chest area which can be painful.
The solution: Even though gynecomastia is common during puberty, older men can develop the ‘man boob’ too as a side effect from taking certain medication. The swollen breast gland tissue is what causes gynecomastia.
Regain your confidence and be free from the discomfort with Amaris B. Clinic’s Gynecomastia Surgery. The surgery will reduce the excess fat and overly enlarged glandular tissues. After the surgery, it could also define your masculine appearance at the chest area.
Staying Youthful Even As You Age
Ageing doesn’t mean you can’t look good.
While you can always go on your regular exercise regimens, that doesn’t mean our bodies can always keep up as we age. Sometimes we need to rely on medicine and science to achieve that ideal body and figure.
When you look good, you feel good; the best thing about embarking on this journey with Amaris B Clinic is that you get the health benefits and looking younger than your age.
There is a rising trend in men seeking solutions to combat the effects of ageing, using treatments like dermal fillers and Botox, and hair restoration and transplantation.
Even if it is not for the boost in confidence, each of these treatments contributes to your wellbeing and health. You’ll find yourself walking with a skip in your step everyday.

With Amaris B Clinic’s professional and medically-trained doctor, like Dr. Ivan Puah, who has been solving Singaporean men and women’s aesthetics problems since 2004, you can look forward to a fitter, better body in the years to come.
This article is written in collaboration with Amaris B. Clinic.
Featured Image Credit: Amaris B. Clinic