In this article
  • Property Online Summit is a free online 5-day investor-centric event aimed to educate people about property investments.
  • The event will bring in expert speakers to talk about the current trends and strategies to make better decisions when investing in properties.
  • It will run from the 16th to 20th of April.

Moving into my late twenties, I’m at that age where I need to be smarter with my finances.

Relying on just my savings isn’t going to cut it anymore. For the sake of ensuring my future financial security, a lot of my peers have actually mentioned investments—property investments, to be exact.

Whenever I hear that term, I always shy away because I think it’s difficult and the horror stories of failed investments are enough to deter me from seeing it as an option.

However, there is an event coming up called the Property Online Summit that promises to educate me more about this strange new world. And, it’s free.

Bringing Investment Seminars Online

Property Online Summit is a 5-day investor centric learning online summit organised by MasteryAsia, a global mentoring organisation that coaches people for multiple sources of income.

The event will run from 16th to 20th April and it will all be streamed via online videos on their website.

The talks are meant to help those of us who are curious about starting out in property investments or have already dabbled in it and are looking to sustain your investments. Beginners will get to know the basics of property investment strategies while those with some investment experiences can learn the latest market trends and updates.

The schedule has been arranged in different themes as follows.

  • Day 1

The first day will look at current market trends and the latest updates to give you a clear understanding on what’s going on with the property market. Once you have this information, it’s easier to make decisions when investing.

For example, if you know that there’s an oversupply of property, the prices will most likely not increase at a fast pace. So what should you do with the property then?

That’s one of the questions that could be answered during this session as experts will be showing and explaining official data about the property market, discussing the current trends, what are some of the mega projects going on, as well as the impact it has and so forth.

  • Day 2

After you’ve gotten an overview on the property market and familiarised yourself with the need-to-knows, the panel of speakers will then discuss the best strategies to use in the current markets that could help with your investment decisions.

  • Day 3 & 4

Finally, the course will end with the speakers presenting some selected investment opportunities happening in Malaysia and internationally.

From there, you can decide if you’d like to be a part of those investments based on the key learnings you’ve gained.

  • Day 5

The summit will end with a session discussing the “extra edge” of property investments.

Many people tend to buy properties to earn a sufficient income without wanting to repay a heavy sum in terms of loans. This session will share some strategies on how to turn your property into a profitable business.

Meet Some Of The Speakers

The summit will feature 40 sessions conducted in 3 languages by 30 speakers. The organisers have a range of seasoned investors coming on-board to share their expertise. Here are a few names that will be participating in this summit:

  • Ahyat Ishak, author of “The Strategic Property Investor” book
Image Credit: like-mag.com.my

After investing in property for more than a decade, Ahyat Ishak became a millionaire before the age of 30. The various experience and learnings he gained from other successful property millionaires are used in his Strategic Property Investor Model, which is the framework for his highly acclaimed workshops, seminars and talks.

He has spoken in many local and international property events such as iProperty.com and PropertyGuru Expos, MAPIS (Malaysian Annual Property Investment Summit), and MSI (Multiple Sources of Income) Summits.

He has also received many invitations from local and international property developers for talks and consultation on investor trends, especially those of young investors.

  • Heng Zee Soon, Property Coach of MasteryAsia

Heng is a well-known property investment coach and a renowned speaker with over 20+ years of real world property investment experience ranging from sub-sale, new development to commercial properties.

His experience has allowed him to train thousands of students and corporate clients in the area of How to detect (BMV) Below Market Value Property and Group Buy Property Investment Strategy over the past numbers of year.

He had bought his 1st property back in 2001 and is now the owner of more than 20 properties while also managing 60+ properties for his clients.

  • Adrian Un, CEO of SkyBridge International

Adrian started his property investment career at the age of 19 and after being in the scene for 20 years, he has won numerous awards and made millions through property investments. He regularly contributes articles to The Edge, Personal Money, Property Buyer and has given talks throughout Asia.

He now leads a team of people to provide practical education to both novel and seasoned property investors.

  • Gary Chua, CEO of Smart SF 

Before devoting his time to S.M.A.R.T. Financing, Gary worked in the banking industry, both locally and internationally, for more than 11 years. He used the experiences and knowledge gained to start a system called SMART financing, giving him an edge in his property investment journey.

He has recently been awarded the “Most Influential Young Entrepreneur 2017” (MIYE), thanks to his platform that shares his secret of success that has successfully helped S.M.A.R.T. members acquire more than RM800 million worth of properties in the past three years.

Starting With The Basics: Education

Although we have quite a few property events being held here, not all feed you the information you’re looking for. More often than not, many of us walk through a property event and leave with no value added knowledge being given.

The best way for anyone to be an expert in the investing game is to start off by educating yourself, and that’s why MasteryAsia decided to organise this summit.

They believe that education is a sustainable way to guide the public in building a smarter and better investment portfolio, especially in property.

That’s why they chose to host the entire summit online where the learning process is not limited by time or venue so long as you have a smartphone or a computer.

“The property industry is facing a soft market in the recent years but that doesn’t mean it isn’t the time to buy. We created this online property event to educate the public and show them better property investment decisions,” said the team to Vulcan Post.

“MasteryAsia’s Property Online Summit is only the beginning. We hope that everyone who joins the Property Online Summit will benefit from our experienced speakers and of course gain the relevant knowledge for their own self development on property investment. With that being said, we hope that everyone can kickstart their property investment journey in the coming 3 months.”

  • For more information and to register for a free ticket, you can check out their official website to up your property investment game.

This article is written in collaboration with MasteryAsia.

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