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Having a frank discussion about money matters with your boss can be an uncomfortable thought. 

But ask yourself this: Is your salary in line with the industry benchmark

Do you think you have excelled in your role and contributed significantly to the company? Or do you think you deserve a promotion and a pay raise to match it? 

Ideally, it’s always better if your boss recognises your accomplishments and gives you a pay raise without you needing to ask for it. 

Most times however, you have to ask for a raise or a promotion if you want one; but what’s the best way to go about doing so? 

1. Pick The Right Time

There’s always a right time and place for everything so you need to use some common sense when you approach your boss about the possibility of a raise. 

A general rule of thumb is to not to ask for a raise during a ‘high-stress’ period, such as when your boss is stressed or overworked. If your company is not doing well, it’s also definitely not a good time to ask. Some warning signs that can indicate the company’s financial health are cutbacks in spending and/or layoffs. 

Conversely, the best time to ask for a raise is after a big accomplishment. Capitalise on the momentum of your success and you may find yourself in an ideal position to ask for a salary increment. 

Otherwise, a natural time for this conversation to take place is during your annual performance review, when the topic of salary is not only timely but often expected. 

2. Highlight Outstanding Accomplishments

The thing about pay raise is that it’s awarded not because you’re doing your job, but because you’re doing it exceptionally well

That said, you need to identify where you’re performing beyond the defined responsibilities for your role. 

Make a list of accomplishments and any additional responsibilities you’ve taken on. An increase in responsibility, be it managing more employees or taking on special projects, are often grounds for a pay raise. 

Be sure to also specify examples of projects you’ve completed and how they’ve positively impacted the company. 

Quantify your value with statistical data and awards/accolades so you can demonstrate more tangibly how you’ve contributed to the company. These are not only good indicators of your contributions, but also of your future potential. 

3. Know Your Worth In The Industry

Once you’ve justified your worth as a valuable employee, confidently express to your boss that you’d like a raise. Don’t be generic about it and specify the increase you would like, either in dollars or in terms of percentage. 

But before any salary negotiation, you need to first conduct research to determine your market value. 

To learn the salary range for your job, you can check out sites like PayScale and Glassdoor, or refer to salary guide reports like this

Take note to use them as a rough guideline only. Ultimately, your education level, years of experience and skill sets will influence how your pay rate compares to that figure. 

You can also network with other employees that have similar job titles, qualifications and responsibilities to assess your salary competitiveness. You’ll then have a better idea of how much you should be asking for and set realistic expectations. 

It’s also helpful to know that the average pay in Singapore is expected to rise by 4 per cent in 2019, so suggest a number that is fair and reasonable.

4. Focus On Why You Deserve The Pay Raise

The best approach to asking for a raise is to focus on why you deserve one versus why you need one. Too often, people argue that a pay raise is important to cater to the increasing expenses in our lives. 

However, a subjective employer only gives raises to people based on their merits and accomplishments. Don’t bring up personal reasons, and stick to discussing your performance and impact instead. 

…But What If Your Boss Says No?

Image Credit: memegenerator.net

 If you’ve performed well in your role, there’s no reason why your boss shouldn’t grant you the pay raise. 

However, don’t be discouraged if your request for a raise gets rejected; it doesn’t have to be the end of the negotiation. 

You can ask your boss to identify your areas for improvement so you can work on taking your performance to the next level. Be sure to establish specific goals and timelines so you have an idea of when to revisit the negotiation. 

Alternatively, you can also negotiate for better employee benefits like extended annual leave, telecommuting, flexible spending account and skills training. 

At the end of the day, all is not lost if your request for a raise gets rejected. 

This article first appeared on Workforce Singapore (WSG). Look for your next job here!

Categories: Singaporean, Jobs

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