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Samsung hasn’t had the best of luck when it comes to foldable phones — in an attempt to get ahead of the competition they rushed the release of the Galaxy Fold, only for the screen to break within the first day of use.

And while the Galaxy Fold’s release has been delayed indefinitely, that’s not stopping the Korean tech giant from trying again.

According to a report by the ever-reliable ET News, Samsung is already working on another foldable phone, one that focuses on portability instead of being a futuristic smartphone/tablet hybrid.

Measuring at 6.7-inches, the main difference is that this phone will employ a clamshell design, much like the flip phones of yesteryear. When folded there’ll be a secondary 1-inch screen that will display “simple information”, which we can only assume are things like the time, date and notifications.

Of course, this isn’t exactly a revolutionary idea — at the height of the foldable phone hype it was rumoured that Motorola was working on a clamshell phone in the vein of their iconic RAZR phones, and the whole thing feels more like a retreading of an old concept rather than a new innovation.

Regardless, Samsung’s second foldable phone is reportedly expected to enter mass production in November, and could be released as early as the end of the year or early 2020.

We’re all for second chances, but considering how finicky foldable tech is at the moment, we’d rather Samsung get their first one right before working on a new one.

Header Image Credit: Samsung

Categories: Gadget Enthusiast, Geek

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