hdb flats singapore
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Housing Development Board (HDB) announced yesterday that it is rolling out a new sales portal by the end of next year so buyers and sellers can transact HDB flats on a single platform.

It will list flats for buyers to find information on current and upcoming flats sold by HDB, and compare them with resale alternatives.

Meanwhile, sellers will be able to list and advertise their flats on the portal, and continue to complete the resale application on the same platform.

It essentially allows buyers to make detailed comparisons among shortlisted options and see which flats are within their budget or have sufficient leases to cover them for life.

This will help them make informed buying decisions when buying their homes, said Minister for National Development Lawrence Wong.

An upcoming feature of the portal is a financial calculator that will allow buyers to estimate their housing budget, and sellers to estimate their sales proceeds.

Featured Image Credit: Ministry of Communications and Information

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