Kickstarter Pick of the Week is Vulcan Post’s weekly series where we share some of the most noteworthy and creative projects that pose to make positive improvements in our lives. Come across anything interesting on crowdfunding websites? Let us know at!
Imagine these following scenarios. Rubbing shoulders and bumping heads with complete strangers because you couldn’t find a seat at the MRT; standing in line at the bank to collect new bank notes in preparation for Chinese New Year (yep, it’s that time of the year again); munching hotdogs and scarfing down Coca-Cola at the bistro at IKEA; standing in a queue for Zhen Zhen Porridge at Maxwell Road Food Centre. Notice how these typical activities always induce sore legs and severe back pain?
NOW, IMAGINE: Having a seat in your pocket that will help you stay focused and active, keeping you in eye-height with your standing friends, while being inconspicuous enough for nobody to notice! — Sitpack
Currently live on Kickstarter, a group of product design ninjas have come up with an ingenious answer to solve our long standing woes. Our main lead for this week’s series goes by the name of Sitpack. The foldable chair centres around these six words: Pop it. Drop it. Lock it. It’s clever, quirky and has the swell idea of making it sustainable and attractive at the same time.

If memory serves me right, I spent the longest time standing when I was collecting my passport at the ICA building. Despite heading out in the wee hours of the morning, I couldn’t find a seat (this in turn made me feel as if I was spit in the face). I ended up standing at a corner next to an artificial potted plant. And it was dusty, might I add. My knees ached and I felt like they would buckle any minute. I’m in my early twenties and I can’t imagine what it’s like for an elderly. If I had a product like the Sitpack with me at that time, it would take a load (and my sneezing) off my mind.
All movable parts of the Sitpack are decorated with pictograms. According to its Kickstarter campaign: “The leg is extended by pulling the lowest part to its extreme and the turning the top slider and bottom at the same time in opposite direction. A sweet clicking sound will tell you are doing the right thing.”
During my brief email exchange with Jonas Lind-Bendixen, the innovator behind Sitpack, he explained that it has no problem working in a moving train. “You just need to fine-tune your balance,” he shared.

Sitpack is made for everyone. It can be adjusted from 17 cm to 87 cm and supports up to 130kg. It gives the impression of an extremely heavy chair, but believe it or not, it weighs just 380g. It’s made of polycarbonate, which is the material used to make riot shields and bullet proof glass. What’s more, it’s recyclable. In mono+’s words: “We can granulate each device and pour it into our molds, to produce new devices.”
The packaging doubles as a sleek sleeve, to boot. How’s that for sustainability? (Take notes, Peabody Energy.)
Best of all, it fits in your pocket. And did you hear? It improves blood circulation and alleviates a worn out back. The perfectionist in me is very, very impressed.
It’s so much more than the walk stools we see in shops (And dare I say, the FlipStick.) Check out this picture for more details about this innovative design; it has an enlightening comparison table and everything you need to know about Sitpack.
Also read: Kickstarter Pick Of The Week: The Odin, Dog Puzzle Toy That Doubles As Home Décor

The mono+ team is made up of Lind-Bendixen himself, along with Developer Nikolaj Bak, Product Designer Theo Fischer Ginman and Art Director Danica N. Cornwall (not pictured). The Denmark-based company was founded in 2012 and specialise in product development, branding and 3D modelling.
I had the pleasure of interviewing Lind-Bendixen about the exciting Kickstarter campaign. He chatted about Sitpack, and how because of it he was stopped by an airport security officer when he was on his way to New York City. It left me amused and roaring with laughter; read on and you’ll see why!
Sitpack was originally named REST. Was it tough brainstorming for a new name?
Well, it took two years to find the right name. REST sounded great and described the result of using the product. However, we were never completely satisfied as REST is a very generic word. So we were constantly brainstorming. One morning, my colleague turns his laptop with a big grin; it had Sitpack written on the screen. Sitpack sounds compelling and it describes the product. Plus, it’s a whole new word.
How would you describe Sitpack in one word?
Where do you see yourself and Sitpack 5 years down the road?
I see Sitpack becoming an integrated part of people’s lives, in terms of becoming an accepted item to use at any age; when going to concerts, or using it at spectator sports. The Kickstarter campaign will lay the foundation for several new versions of Sitpacks. It will feature different add-ons that make choosing the ideal model for each individual much easier. I see myself still being part of our mono+ team, where we will continue to make cool, new products solving concrete needs. Hopefully our team will grow — so if anyone finds our profile interesting, drop us an email!

I hear that you were picked up by an airport security officer when you’re on your way to NYC. Apparently, he was confused by the Sitpack you were carrying! I can already picture the officer’s expression; it must have been priceless! Were there other amusing incidents with Sitpack?
Most of the times when I’m showing Sitpack, folks don’t know what it is. As soon as I open and extend it, people are amazed — that is amusing every time!
One time I was leaning on Sitpack at a bus stop, and there was this one guy staring intensely at me. When the bus came, I got up and put Sitpack in my back pocket. He approached me with a laugh, explained that from the angle he was sitting, the Sitpack, which was hidden behind my leg, gives the impression of me floating! So there is an additional benefit when using Sitpack — it looks like you are hovering. He signed up for a Sitpack right away!
Sitpack is suitable for everyone – how about that! Do the kids like it?
Yes, if you can stand you can use Sitpack. It doesn’t matter how old you are. At an inventors fair, a class of 4th graders came by our stand – and you know honesty comes from drunks and children. They were really frank, and I quote: “It’s friggin’ cool. We can use it when waiting for the bus and watching football at the local soccer pitch. It’s like a Transformer!”

We have some pretty cool gigs in our country, so I’m sure concert goers would have a great use for Sitpack. It’s never easy when you’re standing up for three or more hours. Plus, imagine using it when you’re waiting for your turn to see the doctor at a local polyclinic. A convenient foldable chair like the Sitpack will have you well-prepared and grinning like a bushel basketful of possum heads.
You can back the project here.
Also read: World’s First Real Hoverboards Actually Made With Earthquake Prevention Technology