unemployed singapore
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The Government will extend the Covid-19 Support Grant (CSG) to December 2020 to help Singaporeans who are unemployed or have suffered significant income loss, said Minister Heng Swee Keat.

The CSG was introduced in May to complement the ComCare scheme. More than 60,000 residents have benefited, with more than $90 million disbursed so far, he noted.

He added that from October 1, the extension will be open to both existing CSG recipients and new applicants. Unemployed applicants must demonstrate job search or training efforts to qualify.

The Ministry of Social and Family Development will share more details in early September.

He also said the Government will continue to work closely with tripartite partners to help displaced workers, including updating the Tripartite Advisory on Managing Excess Manpower and Responsible Retrenchment, to incorporate the Fair Retrenchment Framework proposed by NTUC.

The Government is also studying how to continue supporting employees and self-employed persons who are most vulnerable.

Help For Low-Wage Workers

Mr Heng said that another group Singapore must look out for is low-wage workers. Many of them are essential workers who have kept Singapore going during the crisis, he noted.

Currently, those on the Workfare Income Supplement scheme for work done in 2019 are eligible for a $3,000 Workfare Special Payment.

He announced that he will widen the eligibility of the Workfare Special Payment to include those who were not on Workfare Income Supplement last year but have received or will be receiving it for work done this year.

Featured Image Credit: Wan Wei

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