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A young Canadian man who planned a fantastic round-the-world trip to be spent with his girlfriend has a problem – he and his girlfriend just broke up. What he should do with the other ticket purchased for his now ex-girlfriend? Despite being heartbroken, he ain’t losing his mind. So, he came up with this brilliant idea to look for a replacement to use the purchased tickets. He is giving away this wonderful round-the-world ticket, which covers Europe and Asia, to anyone with the name “Elizabeth Gallgher” and holds a Canadian passport.

The post created by a “totally normal” 28-year-old man has since gone viral, not only in the Internet but also conventional media outlets. The story of Jordan Axani has appeared in the United States and all over Europe (of course, with Vulcan Post, it’s spread all over South East Asia too).

Image credit: Screen shot from Reddit
Image credit: Screen shot from Reddit

In the beginning of the post, Axani explained that he had booked the trip back in March for himself and his girlfriend. The trip will begin on December 21, flying out from New York City to Milan, Italy. The trip will continue to Prague in Czech Republic, Paris in France, Bangkok in Thailand, and New Delhi in India before flying back to Toronto, Canada on the 8th of January next year.

“You see, in March I booked a fairly wicked trip around the world for this Christmas for my ex and I. While our relationship has come to a close, I am still planning on going on the trip and she is not (naturally).

“And because I hate the idea of a ticket around the world going to waste, I am looking for a Canadian named Elizabeth Gallagher who could use the ticket,” wrote Axani on the 2nd of November in a Reddit post.

Your travel companion, Jordan Axani. Image credit: Jordan Axani
Your travel companion, Jordan Axani. (Image Credit: Jordan Axani)

He then goes on explaining some of the ground rules and requirements before one could claim the free ticket. The offer, he said only covers for the flights and does not included hotels, meals, local transportation and recipient will have to fork out their own money for that.

“Having said that, I will buy the first round of vino at JFK upon departure,” the only additional offer from Axani.

He also added that he is not asking anything in return and ask only for the recipient to enjoy the trip.

“I am not looking for companionship, romance, drugs, a trade, or to take selfies with you in front the Christmas Market in Prague. Really the only thing I ask for is that you enjoy this trip and that it bring you happiness,” he said.

Elizabeth Gallaghers Coming Onboard

The post has seen generated many responses with many Elizabeth Gallaghers from all around the world, especially the United States sending their request in.

“Wishing I were Canadian right now. American Elizabeth Gallagher here. 🙂 I can vouch for the fact that my name is common, so this just might work out for you,” wrote Elizabeth Gallagher from the US with the nickname lizgallagherliz.

Image credit: Titan UI
Image Credit: Titan UI

Another Elizabeth with the screen name lizzzzz2112 wrote, “By now, you’ve probably received quite a few responses, but I thought I should throw my name into the ring! My name is in fact Liz Gallagher, and I’m a neuroscience major at UCLA! Although the most exotic place that I’ve been is Vancouver, traveling around the world has always been and is a dream of mine!”

Besides the non-Canadian and young Elizabeth, Axani also received a message from an older Elizabeth.

“Hi, My name is Liz ( Elizabeth) Gallagher. I’m Canadian … But I’m old enough to be his Mom. If there’s no younger person to step up I’d have to say it would be interesting. My girls ( 25 and 23 ) tell me DO IT MOM! They wish now that they had my name. LOL”, said Elizabeth, with the username homeharmony.

As the post did not specify age limit, many netizens had pour out their words of encouragement to this Elizabeth.

Image credit: Screen shot from Reddit
Words of encouragement. Image credit: Screen shot from Reddit

The Grey Area

Not only that, many have also giving suggestions on how to sort of “con” the airlines. Some suggested that having “Elizabeth” as second name could get away with most airlines, while some simply suggested giving the fault to typo errors.

Image credit: Screen shot from Reddit
Image Credit: Screen shot from Reddit
Image credit: Screen shot from Reddit
Blame it on typo errors. Image credit: Screen shot from Reddit

The Curious Bunch

As for those who do not have the required name, many remained curious to find out the lucky “Elizabeth” that will join this exciting trip. Many have since request Axani to keep them inform on the result. One of the curious bunches even asked to meet up at the airport, just so they could have a glimpse of the lucky Elizabeth.

“My girlfriend and I are flying to Europe on Dec 21, we may be on the same flight as you. Are you flying from JFK to MXP? If so, we’d love to meet the Elizabeth Gallagher you chose!” wrote thempyrOntario.

The curiosity of the netizens do not stop on the lucky “Elizabeth”, but also Axani’s ex-girlfriend, the “real” Elizabeth whose name was printed on those flight tickets.

“Curious to know how many times your ex, Elizabeth Gallagher, has been messaged by random so far?” asked amirmotahari.

According to a reply by Axani, who still keep in touch with his ex, so far not many had contacted Elizabeth and he also hope that people will respect her privacy and leave her out from this whole offer saga.

Image credit: Nomadistas
Image credit: Nomadistas

The Testimonies

After the post gone viral, many might ask the authenticity of the whole offer and whether Axani is a trustful person. Hence, many who know Axani personally had come up to write short vouches for him.

“OP (refer to Axani) was a student of my wife; she says he’s a nice guy and you should have fun travelling with him,” said Dipsomaniac.

Another person, newnameforeverything wrote, “I can vouch for OP too since we’ve hung out a few times; swell guy, all-around great company! He even played at a friend’s wedding earlier this year. Good luck with this one!”

Aftermath Suggestions

Many netizens also started suggesting travel destinations as well as the idea of having a “welcome home party” for the couple after their trip.

Image credit: Screen shot from Reddit
Image credit: Screen shot from Reddit

Some creative netizens even suggest the whole incident to be turned into a blockbuster movie.

Image credit: Screen shot from Reddit
Image credit: Screen shot from Reddit

Author’s Thoughts

The whole story about Axani makes me feel that we humans are generally a generous kind of species. Instead of thrashing the flight tickets away, the idea of giving them away is fantastic. The act is able to make someone’s dream come true, not to mention the excitement and happiness provided to a complete stranger. After all, those flights will still be flying with or without Elizabeth Gallagher.

But on the other hand, this Axani dude seems to be really excited about the upcoming trip without showing any sign of heartbroken from the breakup, which make me kind of feeling sorry for the real Elizabeth. Now you know how much he loved you.

Whatever it is, all the Elizabeth Gallaghers out there, do grab this opportunity and send your inquiries to Axani’s email which can be found in the post. Good luck!

Categories: Must Read, Luminary

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