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If you are not a big fan of parkour (French way of Urban Freerunning), you are better off staying at home and watching TV Shows instead.

After the amazing Captain America: Winter Soldier which made me fall in love with Marvel again after the first Iron Man and then the utterly soul sucking Noah, a few weeks have gone by when we have been greeted with terrible movies like Johnny Depp’s Transcendence and the Cameron Diaz-starrer, The Other Woman.

While Johnny Depp really cannot act in anything without a weird costume and voice, rumour has it that The Other Woman is being used by girlfriends to punish their significant others for crimes such as forgetting anniversaries or for extremely close ones, monthiversary. It seems that the plan for cinema distribution companies is to starve you of anything good, that when the Amazing Spider Man and Godzilla is released next week, you gobble it down like a hungry movie deprived person.

amazing spiderman

What we get this week, is the remake of the French action/parkour District B13 starring David Belle (the inventor of Parkour) and late actor Paul Walker unimaginatively called Brick Mansions. If the mention of the French sport/recreation of Parkour makes you say Qua?, you are better off staying at home.

For the rest, this movie had got somewhat good reviews with a decent storyline and good action. Set in the dystopian future as usual, Walker plays Damien Collier, an undercover narcotics cop trying to avenge his father’s death at the hands of Tremaine (RZA), the imposing crime lord who rules over the run-down, government-condemned public-housing projects known as Brick Mansions. If you are into death and gravity defying leaping with some girl-on-girl gore and action, this may not disappoint you.

The trailer below really does not do a good job in promoting the movie and I was easily dissuaded from not watching it.

Now if you really hate sunlight, fresh air and other human beings, it is a great week to stay at home thanks to HBO’s bottom-kicking Game of Thrones as well as the new Silicon Valley. Since the entire world is raving about Game of Thrones nonstop, let me introduce you first to Silicon Valley.


Imagine Big Bang Theory but smarter, the jokes not trivial enough to make everyone laugh. If start-ups, Silicon Valley, TED talks, Angel Investors, Seed Money, Compression Algorithms and awkwardness around women are things you are familiar with, this show is for you.

Set in Silicon Valley as the name suggests, the show focuses on a group of programming nerds who suddenly discover that they are in a possession of  a valuable media compression algorithm which the whole world wants. Only 3 episodes down, this show has not disappointed me and managed to surprise me with its original content, different from the unimaginative Big Bang Theory.

Good news is that it has also been renewed for a second season, so go ahead and make an emotional investment in this show.

Game of Thrones in its 4 th Season with 3 Episodes down, has been thrilling and brutal as usual. With the death of one of the most hated teenagers in TV history (spoiler alert), the story has taken a completely new turn with a “who did it” scenario. We cannot wait to watch what goes on to happen in the next 7 episodes in this unforgiving show without a trace of mercy.

So there you go, this weekend, sink inside a lot of soft bed pillowy stuff, get those 6 episodes of the shows from HBO and enjoy solitude.

Solitude is the absence of other human beings, not the absence of entertainment.

Also read: I tendered my resignation without securing the next job. Here’s why I don’t mind.

Categories: Opinions, Lifestyle

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