work from home singapore
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The Ministry of Health (MOH) announced today (Sept 24) that working from home will be the default for all employees who are able to do so. This will come into effect from September 27 to October 24.

Previously, a maximum of 50 per cent of employees who are able to work from home were allowed to be at the workplace at any point in time.

MOH said that there should continue to be no cross-deployment of workers to multiple worksites. Social gatherings at the workplace will also remain banned.

“Employers should continue to implement flexible working hours and stagger the start times of employees who need to return to the workplace,” it added,

The ministry noted that employees, contractors, and vendors who are unable to work from home are “strongly encouraged” to self-test weekly via an antigen rapid test (ART) to keep infected employees from going to work and keep their workplace safe.

MOH also noted that vaccination-differentiated safe management measures, mask wearing, and proper distancing remain “essential” to ensure that large events can proceed safely for attendees.

Event sizes will remain at up to 1,000 fully vaccinated attendees

Event sizes and capacity limits for congregational and other worship services, cinemas, MICE, live performances, spectator sport events will remain at up to 1,000 attendees if all are fully vaccinated.

Otherwise, only up to 50 attendees will be allowed without pre-event testing (PET).

“The concession for children aged 12 years and below, who cannot yet be vaccinated, will also apply for these events. Such unvaccinated children may be included in a group of up to two persons if the child is from the same household,” said MOH.

The ministry noted that there will be no change to measures related to marriage solemnisations, which are allowed to continue, with seating in groups of up to two persons, if all are fully vaccinated.

Home solemnisations will also continue to be allowed with up to 10 attendees. Otherwise, only up to 50 attendees will be allowed without PET.

“We acknowledge that wedding couples have faced significant uncertainties over the past few months. Hence, as a special concession, wedding receptions may be allowed to continue with up to 250 attendees if all are fully vaccinated, and with a group size of up to 5 persons per table,” added MOH.

“All wedding guests must strictly abide by the safe management measures, and in particular maintain social distancing and avoid mingling with others beyond their own table. Given their higher vulnerability, we also strongly discourage unvaccinated individuals and the elderly from attending such events, as PET only reduces their risk to others but not the risk to themselves.”

Featured Image Credit: NTUC Income

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