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As the month of June draws closer, it also means that the annual Father’s Day is just around the corner! Father’s Day this year falls on June 15, 2014 in many countries. It is a celebration honoring fathers and celebrating fatherhood, paternal bonds, and the influence of fathers in society. Many countries celebrate it on the third Sunday of June, but it is also celebrated widely on other days.

If you are thinking of getting something for your dad on the 15th, and still scratching your head on what to get him, fret not! Over at Vulcan Post, the editorial team has helped brainstorm some interesting gift ideas you can get your dad this year.

1. Xiaomi


Perhaps one of the most suitable gifts for your dad is the popular Xiaomi. Coming at a very affordable price range, Xiaomi is perfect if you want to introduce a new smartphone to your dad. Besides, he can use it to browse for news (on Vulcan Post), download apps, and keep in touch with your family through various chat apps available on the app store.

2. Super value-for-money meal (preferably from Groupon)

Because every dad would love UNBEATABLE VALUE, and there are plenty of websites where you can easily discover valuable deals such as Groupon.

3. Gym membership with a personal trainer

Probably one of the things we take for granted: our health. Signing your dad up for a gym membership shows that you care about his health, especially since his age is catching up. It would be an added bonus if you get him a personal trainer.

4. Personalized iPad with dad’s name etched


If you can afford a tablet, our favourite choice is still the sleek iPad from Apple. Probably a good idea to get him the lighter iPad Air so it’s easily portable and convenient for his use.

5. Buy an hour of drive time in an exotic car

Another idea for you during Father’s Day is this: book a personal chauffeur and drive him around town or to his favourite spot in the city. You can also have some really great Father-Son/Daughter bonding time in the car as both of you catch up with each another. Looking for a luxurious and affordable chauffeur?  There’s always Uber.

6. First edition of a rare book your dad likes

This is probably suitable for those of you who knows what your dad likes to read or if you dad has any books which he never managed to read. With all the ebooks readily available, even if you are unable to find the book your dad likes, you can still find the digital copy of it.

7. DVD collection of his favourite movies from DVD stores or Amazon

DVDs are uncommon these days, as digital movies and illegal downloads are getting more and more rampant. However, you can still find them if you try hard enough. Ask anyone in the late 90s and early 2000s and you would quickly realize that DVDs have had a huge impact in our daily lives: it is probably one of the main leisure entertainments then. Getting your dad a DVD collection of his favourite movies would definitely mean a lot to him.

8. Nostalgic gifts like a vintage typewriter or a fountain pen he owned


This is kind of self-explanatory.

9. Vintage posters of his favourite movies

So every time he looks upon that wall with the poster, he will think of his favourite entertainment.

10. OSIM massage machine

OSIM machines are expensive, but it never fails at putting a smile to your dad’s face. Not only is it useful, the whole family can enjoy it too! If your family is big, all of you can chip in and split the cost. Everyone wins!

Or you know, if none of the above works, there’s always money. Or grandchildren.

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