Cyber threats are not a new phenomenon. This past week alone, the hacking of Malaysian Airlines’ website by the group who call themselves “Lizard Squad” left their system down for 22 hours. And who could forget the Sony hack that took place at the end of last year, resulting in a tide of embarrassing incidents for all those involved?
To combat and prevent such cases from happening in Singapore, the Prime Minister’s Office has announced plans for a Cyber Security Agency (CSA), which will begin operations from April this year.

Channel NewsAsia reported yesterday that the CSA will be in charge of national cyber security functions. This includes the role currently performed by the Singapore Infocomm Technology Security Authority (SITSA), as well as some of those under the administration of The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA).
The main focus of the CSA will be strategy and policy development, cyber security operations, industry development and outreach. Overseeing the operations of the CSA will be Mr David Koh, deputy secretary of technology at the Ministry of Defence. Meanwhile, the Minister-in-charge of Cyber Security has also been named as Dr Yaacob Ibrahim, who is currently also the Minister for Communications and Information.