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The second of three results videos by the Singapore Social Media Awards (SSMA) — an annual online awards show dedicated to celebrating local talents in the social media scene — was just released last night. In this much-anticipated sequel to part one of the awards show, the winners for three categories were announced: Grid of the Year, Comedy Video of the Year and Online Series of the Year.

Grid of the Year, an award celebrating local Instagrammers for the quality of composition and artistry in their snapshots, went to Calvin Bong (@calvinavigator). Featuring striking angles and interesting interplay between light and shadows, his 27.7k follower-strong Instagram feed is certainly eye-catching in its originality. In his acceptance speech, he handed down a few wise words of advice to budding Instagrammers: “Never be afraid to try different styles, and find your own style.”

Alongside Calvin, two other popular Instagrammers were nominated for the award: iPhone photographer Alden Chng (@aldennnnnn), and Zul (@thecynicalfox), a photographer whose work often plays with lines and dimension to reveal unusual perspectives.

Image Credit: Singapore Social Media Awards
Image Credit: Singapore Social Media Awards
Image Credit: Calvin Bong, @calvinavigator
Image Credit: Calvin Bong, @calvinavigator

Comedy Video of the Year was awarded to Night Owl Cinematics’ “17 Types of Ah Lians“, a hilarious parody of the Ah Lian stereotypes all Singaporeans know and love. The win might give hope to all aspiring YouTube stars out there — according to Ryan and Sylvia, the duo behind Night Owl Cinematics, Ryan “just couldn’t act” when they first started out. “One time,” he relates,” I just needed to say hello and that took me one hour plus.” This being the second win for Night Owl Cinematics so far — their large-scale collaboration video “Shit We Watch On Television” previously clinching SSMA’s Collab of the Year award — it’s clear that they’ve come a long way.

The two other nominees in this category were UMeandHara’s “Different Types of Chinese Friends during Ramadhan” and Wah! Banana’s “You are Single for a Reason“. The quintessentially Singaporean titles speak for themselves — if you haven’t viewed them already, they’re worth a watch (and a laugh).

Online Series of the Year was clinched by TGIS’ “Singapore On…”, a YouTube video series featuring Singaporeans on the streets being posed questions about everything from the MH370 tragedy to their thoughts on the opposite sex. Each episode is a funny and honest look at what Singaporeans think, and it’s no surprise that the series has a thousands-strong following on its YouTube channel.

Yan Kay Kay’s Babe of All Trades — a series where the popular influencer takes on various odd jobs like fishmonger and car mechanic — and vlog star Dee Kosh’s Doctor Dee were also nominated for the award.

Image Credit: Singapore Social Media Awards
Image Credit: Singapore Social Media Awards

Here’s a recap of the winners announced in part one of the awards show:

Music Video of the Year

Caracal’s “Welcome the Ironists”

Parody of the Year

MunahHirziOfficial’s “Minahconda”

Collab of the Year

Night Owl Cinematics’ “Shit We Watch on Television”


And let’s take a quick look at the nominees and awards which are still to come:

Breakout Star of the Year

Joel Tan (@gentlebones)
Trevor Tham (@trevmonki)
Christabel Chua (@bellywellyjelly)

Broll of the Year
Jesher Loi
The Hidden Good
Matthew Zachary Liu

Fashion Icon of the Year
Andrea Chong (@dreachong)
Velda Tan (@belluspuera)
Melissa Koh (@melissackoh)

Who are you hoping will win?

Also Read: Singapore Social Media Awards Kicks Off With Wins For Night Owl Cinematics, MunahHirziOfficial, & Caracal

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