Remember the days when blogs were just, well, blogs? It was only in the year 2004 that the platform became more widely adopted, giving it the potential to be used for spreading our love for fashion, as well as a medium for e-commerce.
Today, we are privileged to be able to interview the founders of The Closet Lover. While the online shopping site has a pretty strong following these days, what you might not know is that it was launched back in 2007. This makes its founders one of the pioneers of the ‘blogshop’ concept, which started in the mid 2000s in Singapore. Man, what were we doing back then?

Co-owned and fully managed by sisters Brianna and Bertilla Wong, The Closet Lover turns 8 this year. And no, they’re not twins!

You might be curious about how they’ve managed to enjoy such staying power in an industry known for being cutthroat and competitive. For one, they have definitely perfected their site’s user experience right from the point of contact — by making use of their social media channels. Not only do they offer still shots of their clothing, motion lookbooks are also meticulously done up so viewers can be inspired and get a three-dimensional look at selected pieces.
If you’re wondering how this sister duo manage their growing e-commerce, here’s a sneakpeek at the apps that get to be part of their lives — as well as the mantras they live by:
#YOLO You never know where life will bring you exactly, so live each day like your last and always follow your heart. 🙂 — Brianna Wong
Always look on the bright side of life. Be positive! — Bertilla Wong

1. Dayre
@briannawonggg “Dayre allows me to share my random ramblings or photos with my followers.”
@bertillawong “Dayre allows me to blog on the go. It is really effective as I do not need to have a laptop to do so.”
2. Snapchat
Bertilla: “Snapchat is the newest social media platform that I am addicted to! It allows me to post snippets of my daily life without the need to filter and edit. It allows me to connect to my followers on a more intimate basis. ”
3. VSCOcam
Brianna: “This is one of two of my favourite editing apps!”
Bertilla: “VSCOcam is needed to to edit my photos before posting them on my social platforms.”
4. Snapseed
Brianna: “My next favourite editing app!”
5. Instagram
@briannawonggg “IG allows me to share my outfits with my followers.”
@bertillawong “Instagram because I post my OOTD photos to showcase our apparel as well as to update daily snippets.”
6. Google Maps
Bertilla: “I am quite bad at directions and need it while driving!”
Well, there you have it — these are the essential apps to accompany a kick-ass clothing brand, and here is some exciting news to go along:
The Closet Lover will be launching their first ever retail outlet come August, and is eagerly looking for fun, lovable people to join the crew. If you’re interested, do not hesitate to contact them at For a more detailed look at the jobs available, check them out here.
Till then, keep calm and shop, because it’s the Great Singapore Sale!