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A survey by the Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD) is currently ongoing to collect responses from the public regarding their views and feedback about taxis and ride-sharing services in Malaysia.

Titled ‘General Perception: Taxi Service In Malaysia‘, the survey on Google Docs features 13 questions which is aimed towards bettering the taxi service in Malaysia. Questions include the likes of “Why do you prefer to use Uber or Grabcar services instead of the current taxi services available in the market?”

So far there has been 44,435 responses from the public and the number is continuously growing. The survey ends on Dec 3 and although most netizens might be able to already predict the outcome, here’s how you can actually view the results of the survey in real-time.

1. Copy and paste the Google Doc survey url (https://goo.gl/jyzwgM) in the browser address bar.

spad survey

2. Change the ‘viewform’ at the end of the url to ‘viewanalytics’.


Now you are able to see all the responses collected and the breakdown of the statistics in real-time.

So far, most of the respondents are within 21-30 years old (44.8%) and are employed by an organisation/company (63.8%).

monthly income

Interesting Finds So Far

Nearly 40% of respondents rarely use the taxi.

taxi frequency

69.5% of respondents prefer using an app to book a taxi.taxi method

Not too surprising though, we are a mobile generation, after all.

89.1% of respondents are unhappy with taxis’ unregulated pricing

taxi complaints

47.6% of respondents prefer to pay by cash AND credit card

taxi payment

This is a good thing to note for ride-sharing apps since Uber only accepts payment via card now, whereas GrabCar accepts payment via cash and card.

57.9% of respondents are not willing to pay more for improved taxi services.taxi price

This could be due to years of disappointment and lack of faith towards the local taxi services.

69.9% of respondents want the taxi service types to be standardised.

taxi regulation

71.3% of respondents prefer ride-sharing services because it is more reliable, a close second reason (64.3%) is because it is affordable.

ride sharing pros

70.2% of respondents think that ride-sharing services should be regulated so they can operate within Malaysia’s laws and regulations

ride sharing regulation

It should be noted that multiple responses can be sent by the same respondent, therefore from the total number of responses on the Google Docs survey, some of them could be considered as repeated responses and the total does not reflect the number of people who has done the survey. To have your say in the matter, fill up the survey here.

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Vulcan Post aims to be the knowledge hub of Singapore and Malaysia.

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