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When it comes to digital communication, there are times when you just can’t tell sarcasm from sincerity. That’s why emojis are such an integral part of today’s messaging culture. They fill the gap of expressions.

But sometimes, even emoticons don’t suffice (Where is that bacon emoji when you need it??).

In comes Notegraphy. If this is your first time hearing of it, Notegraphy is hailed as the Instagram for text. The app marries words to visuals beyond the usual text-on-images galore. Basically, it’s the classier version of memes.

Now, alongside their second round of funding, the team behind prettified words have launched an extension of their original app’s idea – MOOD Keyboard by Notegraphy.

Image credit: Screenshot of Notegraphy’s browser platform

Unlike the usual keyboard apps like Swype and TouchPal, MOOD doesn’t focus on things like typing efficiency or keyboard themes. Instead, MOOD wants to enrich your message by instantly designing your text as you write it.

The keyboard works directly from your messaging app, custom styling as you write. And just before you click send, you can use the design automatically chosen, or scroll through 40 other filters for the right one that fits your tone and mood.

It’s also very adaptable. Whether it’s messaging apps like Whatsapp, Line, or Facebook Messenger; or whether you’re just writing notes or an email – the MOOD keyboard is claimed to be compatible with pretty much any program that uses a keyboard.

And if you’re worried about security, the MOOD team assures that the app doesn’t read or store your messages.

The good news is there is no word limit. The bad news is it’s available only on iOS for now. The Android version will be available soon this year.

Image credit: Notegraphy Instagram
Image credit: Notegraphy Instagram

Notegraphy may be on to something. Thanks to accessibility, people are communicating more than ever before. So yes, they’ve latched onto a lifestyle trend that will grow only larger. But they’ve also opened possibilities on how people can communicate better, simply through good design.

As they explained in their launch description, “That’s actually the meaning of design – adding a more emotional layer so you can better express the meaning of any text.”

So now, maybe you have a profound thought to share in a group chat. But you’re afraid that emojis won’t cut it, and your epiphany will get lost in a sea of monochrome.

Well, all you have to do is download the app, hold down the language key and change to MOOD keyboard. Then thanks to the templates forged by some of the world’s best designers, your words will have their time in the spotlight.

As the description for the app says, “It’s not just what you say, but how you say it.”

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