In this article

From the creators of Between, the app that provides couples with their own virtual private space, WhereTwo was launched recently. We got the opportunity to catch up with Joash Wee, General Manager of Between, to find out what the company has been up to.

Read on to find out what the Between team shared with us!


Going Strong With More Than 200,000 Downloads

As of now, Between has surpassed the 200,000 app downloads milestone, with Singaporean couples being the most active users within Southeast Asia.

With ambitions to become the go-to channel for brands to reach out to couples, the team at Between has been working hard since the start of the year on interesting campaigns in a bid to bring more value to its users.

Of Challenges Faced And Knowledge Gained Thus Far

Joash shared that the biggest challenge for his team was to find more ways to grow the app. As they do not pay for user acquisition, the team has had to learn to structure partnerships and deals to further encourage growth in the region. They have learnt about what profiles of partners work best with what they aim for, and how to work with them so that each partnership is mutually beneficial.

The team are in this for the long run, and they have kept a very lean operation with each hurdle they overcome.

For the last three years, the onset of their plans remained the same- get in early, grow consistently, and rough it out until the markets here have developed stronger in terms of industries like mobile marketing and e-commerce. From there, they will be in a strong position to execute future plans.

WhereTwo, Discover Your Next Date Spot


WhereTwo is a new app that Between launched very recently- on the 4th of May.

WhereTwo sets out to be a date discovery app, and helps users find the best places in Singapore to go to for dates, be it a restaurant or cafe for a meal, or a new activity to try out together.

Let’s say on a Friday afternoon, you’re stuck on ideas finding something to do over the weekend with your partner. Simply launch the WhereTwo app and start discovering suggestions and reviews from other couples in Singapore!

WhereTwo also extends to singles who go out on dates.

Want to make a good first impression? Pick the right restaurant to set the mood or embark on an activity that will help break the ice.

Why Now For WhereTwo?


Joash gave three reasons as to why this was the opportune moment to introduce WhereTwo to Singaporeans.

First. Between has achieved a strong penetration of the couples market in Singapore. They estimated that 40% of couples between the ages of 20 to 35 are on Between.

Second. There is an unexplored need for discovering new date ideas. Between has learned that a lot of couples don’t have the resources to explore and find new things to spice up their dates. By pulling suggestions and reviews from a community of people like themselves, WhereTwo can provide a solution for this.

Third. A location-based service like WhereTwo is extremely practical in a  bustling city like Singapore. Suggestions on WhereTwo are also accessible to all users of both WhereTwo and Between. This is why Singapore, after the well-connected South Korea, is the second Between market to have WhereTwo.

So How Does One Get On WhereTwo?


WhereTwo is available now for Between users. Don’t have a Between account? No worries, you can still register for WhereTwo through email sign ups, or an even simpler solution, just link your Facebook account.

Joash and the team are currently working on partnerships with other relevant apps and also business establishments to get the word out about Between and WhereTwo. More media coverage would definitely be beneficial in getting more Singaporeans familiar with the service and what it can do for them.

There is a high potential of the app in becoming a strong marketing channel, especially after they have accumulated more data on the top date spots in Singapore.

What Can You Expect When Using WhereTwo?


Both couples and singles who are looking to go for dates can expect to see honest reviews from WhereTwo users about their date experiences at the location. They can also look through suggested lists that group date suggestions according to themes. Users can also contribute to the app by adding their own lists!

Current lists include themes such as “10 Interesting Activities to Level Up Your Date” and “10 Alfresco Dining Spots for a Romantic Date”.

Lastly, if a Between couple uses WhereTwo, they can use Between to log in. The added benefit would be that they are able to easily share content from WhereTwo to their Between chat and also see date locations or activities saved by their partners. This is perfect in planning a surprise date that you can be sure your partner will love!

What Lies In The Future for WhereTwo


Ever since the unveiling of WhereTwo two weeks ago, a very encouraging 5,000 sign ups has been seen. This number, however, has not stopped Joash and the team from wanting the app to grow more.  The next agenda for WhereTwo is to grow itself both in users and also content in terms of date suggestions and reviews.

As a date recommendation app, WhereTwo will only get better with the addition of content and the support of a strong community. The value that it potentially brings to users is their utmost priority. Users can keep a lookout for interesting new features soon.

Interested To Find Out More About WhereTwo?

Explore their various tips and tricks for using their app on their Facebook page, and if you like what you see, download the app over at the App Store for iOS and Play Store for Android.

Now you’re prepared to wow that special someone with the perfect day out.

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Vulcan Post aims to be the knowledge hub of Singapore and Malaysia.

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Vulcan Post aims to be the knowledge hub of Singapore and Malaysia.

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