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Apple products aren’t the cheapest around – that’s something established since the beginning of time.

However, while the unveiling of the latest MacBook Pro sent hearts a-thumping with its sleek and sexy form and new features, the very same hearts stopped when the prices were revealed.

For those of us on this side of the world, a 13-inch, 2.9GHz dual-core Intel Core i5 MacBook Pro with Touch Bar and Touch ID would set us back S$2,588, while the 15-inch, 2.7GHz quad-core Intel Core i7 MacBook Pro would inspire us to eat maggi mee for a year at S$3,948, according to a report on Channel NewsAsia.

A quick check on Apple Singapore’s website confirms our fears.

Twitter users from all over the world, too, went crazy, inspiring a slew of tweets:

Their frustration is valid, though, because previous iterations of brand new MacBook Pros were cheaper at launch as compared to the 2016 one.

At a MacBook event in 2013 / Image Credit: Digital Trends
At a MacBook event in 2013 / Image Credit: Digital Trends

While one can argue that because it has upgraded features, the price is somewhat justified, but a significantly increased price tag is something that might put even the most loyal of Apple fans off.

Technology is supposed to evolve along, and for its consumers, but if it keeps getting more and more exclusive via price barriers that many can’t get over, what’s the point?

Yet another feature of contention was the removal of rather important ports from the previous iterations of MacBooks, and the ironic inclusion of the headphone jack, which Apple kinda pulled a prodigal son on.

Undeniably neater, users have to contend with using adapters for devices they want to plug into the new MacBook – and even its family member, the iPhone, isn’t spared.

What do you think about the prices, and would you consider buying one of these? Let us know!

Categories: Geek, Products

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