Following the release of Phyrexian: All Will Be One, the next set that continues Magic The Gathering’s storyline is set to be released in April.
The new set, March of The Machine, will wrap up the story started in Dominaria United, which saw the the beginning of the Second Phyrexian Invasion.
Since March of The Machine will be the last stand against these Phyrexians, there will be characters from various planes joining the set, giving fans of MTG plenty to look forward to.
Here are some of the details released so far.
Characters teaming up
One of the most interesting introduction this set is the “teaming up” of legendary creatures to reflect the story line where characters are fighting back against the invasion and forming alliances to join forces. The 3 teams released so far includes Yargle and Multani, Ghalta and Mavren, as well as our personal favourite, Thalia and the Gitrog Monster.

Mechanic wise, these are just single creature cards, but the cards feature elements of both the characters.
The first Planeswalker revealed so far the the classic Chandra.

March of the Machine’s Chandra, Hope’s Beacon does what other Chandra’s do well – mana production, along with card advantages as well as damage production. To spice it up more, there is an additional ability where you can copy spells casted each turn.
We expect more Planeswalker to be included in this set and their details to be released over the next few weeks.
Commander Decks
As with all sets, there will be commander decks where fans can expect. The new set however, will feature not just the usual 2 commander decks, but a total of 5 commander decks.
Commander decks of March of the Machine will see the return of Planechase – a multiplayer supplement allowing players to hop from one plane to another, “with the rules changing based on where your battle is currently taking place.”

- Ongoing Threat – a black/white deck that cares about Phyrexians.
- Cavalry Charge – a white/blue/black Knights deck.
- Call for Backup – a white/red/green +1/+1 counter deck.
- Divine Convocation – A white/red/blue deck all about the convoke mechanic.
- Tinker Time – a green/blue/red artifact token-making deck.
Booster Chase Cards
While there are no showcase set art treatments for March of the Machine, there are various new art treatments for popular cards which will be included in booster and collector sets for players to look forward too. Here are some spoilers:

March of the Machine will launch in store at your local game stores on 21st April. Here are the dates of the new set:
- March of the Machine Story: March 16–28
- Set Debut, Cinematic Trailer and Previews Begin: March 29, 2023
- Card Previews: March 29–April 4
- Complete Card Image Galleries: April 5
- In-Store Prerelease Events: April 14–20
- MTG Arena and Magic Online Digital Release: April 18
- Global Tabletop Release: April 21
- In-Store Launch Party Events: April 21–23