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Most millennials in India would very likely have come across Zomato – the online restaurant discovery guide that took off in India way back in 2008, capturing foodies’ hearts in every nook and corner of our metro cities. They have however come a long way since then, ever expanding to its current reach of 121 cities in a total of 15 countries; all in just six years.

For those who haven’t had the pleasure of experiencing its convenience, picture this: You’re in a new city, your first month on the job. Over one extremely rare occasion that got your weekend freed up, your wish to blow off the steam generated in your hectic first few weeks with your new friends and colleagues pushes you to plan a dinner outing. Unfortunately enough, you’re all newcomers to the city.

Image Credit: theendinmind.net
Image Credit: theendinmind.net

Here’s where you save a hell of a lot of time and effort – instead of having to drive around aimlessly until you come across a decent restaurant, or rely on age-old and inconsistent reviews online, you can use Zomato. Providing everything from addresses, pictures, cuisines, amenities, entire menu cards and genuine and verified reviews, as well as an aggregated rating, Zomato literally has everything you’d need to make a decision on where to dine.

Image Credit: zomato.com
Image Credit: zomato.com

People have been Zomato mostly for figuring out about restaurants and reviewing them themselves for a while now, with it having quite a bit of popularity. There is, however, a lesser-known and more recreational division of Zomato – a porn site!

Alright, it isn’t actually a porn site, just a website hosted on a porn domain (.xxx). The purpose of the site is to share the most popular photos (of food) posted by users on Zomato’s actual website or app. Playing on the social media term ‘Food Porn’, this is a nice and humorous endeavor on their part; though one which of course, might attract some other clientele as well at times!

Image Credit: zomato.xxx
Image Credit: zomato.xxx

Zomato has been on one heck of a ride for years now, expanding its global footprint with every passing day; and this is not just in users. The past year has seen Zomato make quite a few global acquisitions, strengthening its already popular brand. A lot of this can be reflected in its latest funding, skyrocketing it to a $660 million valuation. This homegrown kid provides for quite a decent competitor to its global behemoth of a rival, Yelp. We could be seeing some interesting turf wars between these two globally, in the near future. Don’t worry though, you won’t miss any action; we’ll make sure of that!

Categories: New Websites, Lifestyle

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