If it is your first time reading this, Apps I Live By is a weekly series that peeks into the lives of prominent personalities through the apps they use on their smartphones. In our first series, we highlighted the apps which Timothy Tiah, co-founder of Nuffnang, use on a daily basis. If you have a story to share, do not hesitate to get in touch with me at dawn@vulcanpost.com.
On to our next personality, I am very privileged to get my scoop from TripAdvisor’s Director of Mobile Partnerships for Asia Pacific, Andreas Behrens.

Beginning his career with The Coca Cola Company, Andreas subsequently entered Jamba, German-based leading mobile content provider. In 2007, the company was acquired by multinational mass media organisation, News Corporation.
As the current director of mobile partnerships in Asia Pacific for TripAdvisor, Andreas develops sustainable partnerships with leading device manufacturers, mobile operators as well as leading media companies in the region for the multinational organisation.
If you have not known, TripAdvisor is a platform boasting user-generated content for both travellers and hosts alike. Also, did you know that TripAdvisor was reported to be the world’s most downloaded travel app?
Want to take a peek into their amazing office in Singapore? The crew at Vulcan TV managed to film an office tour and short interview which you can see here!
Here’s a glimpse into Andreas’ life through his smartphone (and his really neat home screen):
Screenshot of Andreas’ home screen (Image Credit: Andreas Behrens)
1. Strava
This app tracks my commute time on the bike every day as I always try to beat my best timing.
I’ve heard that Strava is generally a better tracking app to use than Run Keeper. Any other users out there?
2. Facebook
The app helps me stay in touch with friends around the world.
Great summary of probably the main and most captivating offer from Facebook.
3. TripAdvisor
I travel a lot (for business and leisure). With the new offline feature that allows me to check out hotels, restaurants and attractions even without a data connection, TripAdvisor has saved my day many times!
If you have travel plans to countries you are not familiar with, the offline feature of TripAdvisor is honestly very helpful, especially in countries that do not have much free Wi-Fi spots!
For when my kids hog the TV with their favourite programmes.
5. Deezer
Great music service.
Deezer has been hitting the waves recently with a number of big partnerships – like the recent one with Jetstar and uprising taxi-booking app, GrabTaxi.
6. Google Maps
I remember the times of foldable city maps and never want to go back in time.
Did you know that Google Maps could soon be embedded in your shoes? Name’s Lechel (lay-ch-al), and you can read all about it here.
7. Dropbox
In today’s multi-device world, Dropbox helps keep all my photos and files beautifully in sync.
8. Skype
Helps me stay connected with my family as it is the only app my parents know how to use.
Thank you Andreas for sharing a little about your smartphone usage with us. Your description of the purpose of each app you use just serves as a reminder that technology should be used to edify, and not consume us.
Now, guess who’s next on my list?